
fun Routing.authenticate(vararg configurations: String? = arrayOf<String?>(null), optional: Boolean = false, build: Routing.() -> Unit): Routing

Creates a route that allows you to define authorization scope for application resources. This function accepts names of authentication providers defined in the Authentication plugin configuration.



names of authentication providers defined in the Authentication plugin configuration.


when set, if no authentication is provided by the client, a call continues but with a null Principal.

See also


if there are no registered providers referred by configurations names.

fun Routing.authenticate(vararg configurations: String? = arrayOf<String?>(null), strategy: AuthenticationStrategy, build: Routing.() -> Unit): Routing

Creates a route that allows you to define authorization scope for application resources. This function accepts names of authentication providers defined in the Authentication plugin configuration.



names of authentication providers defined in the Authentication plugin configuration.


defines resolution strategy for nested authentication providers. AuthenticationStrategy.Optional - if no authentication is provided by the client, a call continues but with a null Principal. AuthenticationStrategy.FirstSuccessful - client must provide authentication data for at least one provider registered for this route AuthenticationStrategy.Required - client must provide authentication data for all providers registered for this route with this strategy

See also


if there are no registered providers referred by configurations names.