
Reads bytes from receiver channel and writes them to dst channel. Closes dst channel if fails to read or write with cause exception.


a number of copied bytes

expect suspend fun ByteReadChannel.copyTo(dst: ByteWriteChannel, limit: Long): Long

Reads up to limit bytes from receiver channel and writes them to dst channel. Closes dst channel if fails to read or write with cause exception.


a number of copied bytes

actual suspend fun ByteReadChannel.copyTo(dst: ByteWriteChannel, limit: Long): Long

Reads up to limit bytes from receiver channel and writes them to dst channel. Closes dst channel if fails to read or write with cause exception.


a number of copied bytes

actual suspend fun ByteReadChannel.copyTo(dst: ByteWriteChannel, limit: Long): Long

Reads up to limit bytes from receiver channel and writes them to dst channel. Closes dst channel if fails to read or write with cause exception.


a number of copied bytes

actual suspend fun ByteReadChannel.copyTo(dst: ByteWriteChannel, limit: Long): Long

Reads up to limit bytes from receiver channel and writes them to dst channel. Closes dst channel if fails to read or write with cause exception.


a number of copied bytes

actual suspend fun ByteReadChannel.copyTo(dst: ByteWriteChannel, limit: Long): Long

Reads up to limit bytes from receiver channel and writes them to dst channel. Closes dst channel if fails to read or write with cause exception.


a number of copied bytes