
expect fun ByteChannel(autoFlush: Boolean = false): ByteChannel


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Creates buffered channel for asynchronous reading and writing of sequences of bytes.

actual fun ByteChannel(autoFlush: Boolean): ByteChannel

Creates buffered channel for asynchronous reading and writing of sequences of bytes.

fun ByteChannel(autoFlush: Boolean = false, exceptionMapper: (Throwable?) -> Throwable?): <Error class: unknown class>

Creates a buffered channel for asynchronous reading and writing of sequences of bytes using close function to close a channel.

actual fun ByteChannel(autoFlush: Boolean): ByteChannel

Creates a buffered channel for asynchronous reading and writing of sequences of bytes.

actual fun ByteChannel(autoFlush: Boolean): ByteChannel

Creates a buffered channel for asynchronous reading and writing of sequences of bytes.

actual fun ByteChannel(autoFlush: Boolean): ByteChannel

Creates buffered channel for asynchronous reading and writing of sequences of bytes.