Package-level declarations


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class ByteArrayContent(bytes: ByteArray, val contentType: ContentType? = null, val status: HttpStatusCode? = null) : OutgoingContent.ByteArrayContent

Implementation of the OutgoingContent.ByteArrayContent for sending array of bytes

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data class CachingOptions(val cacheControl: CacheControl? = null, val expires: GMTDate? = null)

Specifies caching properties for OutgoingContent such as Cache-Control or Expires.

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class ChannelWriterContent(body: suspend ByteWriteChannel.() -> Unit, val contentType: ContentType?, val status: HttpStatusCode? = null, val contentLength: Long? = null) : OutgoingContent.WriteChannelContent

OutgoingContent to respond with ByteWriteChannel. The stream would be automatically closed after body finish.

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data class EntityTagVersion(val etag: String, val weak: Boolean) : Version

This version checks the etag value and pass it through conditions supplied by the remote client. Depending on the conditions, it produces the return value of enum type VersionCheckResult.

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data class LastModifiedVersion(val lastModified: GMTDate) : Version

Creates an instance of LastModifiedVersion that passes the given lastModified date through the If-Modified-Since and If-Unmodified-Since conditional headers provided by the client.

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interface MultiPartData

Represents a multipart data stream that could be received from a call.

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object NullBody

A subject of pipeline when body of HTTP message is null

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sealed class OutgoingContent

Information about the content to be sent to the peer, recognized by a client or server engine

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class OutputStreamContent(body: suspend OutputStream.() -> Unit, val contentType: <Error class: unknown class>, val status: <Error class: unknown class>? = null, val contentLength: Long? = null)

OutgoingContent to respond with OutputStream. The stream would be automatically closed after body finish.

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sealed class PartData

Represents a multipart/form-data entry. Could be a FormItem or FileItem.

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class TextContent(val text: String, val contentType: ContentType, val status: HttpStatusCode? = null) : OutgoingContent.ByteArrayContent

Represents a text content that could be sent

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class URIFileContent(val uri: URI, val contentType: <Error class: unknown class> = ContentType.defaultForFilePath(uri.path), val contentLength: Long? = null)

Represents a content that is served from the specified uri

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interface Version

A content version.

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Represent the result of the version comparison between content being sent and HTTP request.

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class WriterContent(body: suspend Writer.() -> Unit, val contentType: <Error class: unknown class>, val status: <Error class: unknown class>? = null, val contentLength: Long? = null)

Represents a content that is produced by body function


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Gets or sets the CacheControl instance as an extension property on this content.

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Specifies a key for the CacheControl extension property for OutgoingContent.

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val <Error class: unknown class>.streamProvider: () -> InputStream

Provides file item's content as an InputStream

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Specifies a key for the VersionList extension property for OutgoingContent.

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Gets or sets a list of Version instances as an extension property on this content.


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fun OutgoingContent.compressed(contentEncoder: ContentEncoder, coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext): OutgoingContent?

Returns OutgoingContent compressed with contentEncoder if possible.

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suspend fun MultiPartData.forEachPart(partHandler: suspend (PartData) -> Unit)

Parse multipart data stream and invoke partHandler for each PartData encountered.

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Check if current OutgoingContent doesn't contain content

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fun LastModifiedVersion(lastModified: Date): <Error class: unknown class>

This version passes the given lastModified date through the client provided http conditional headers If-Modified-Since and If-Unmodified-Since.

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Parse multipart data stream and put all parts into a list.