
class CIOMultipartDataBase(val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, channel: ByteReadChannel, contentType: CharSequence, contentLength: Long?, formFieldLimit: Int = 65536) : MultiPartData, CoroutineScope

Represents a multipart data object that does parse and convert parts to ktor's PartData


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constructor(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, channel: ByteReadChannel, contentType: CharSequence, contentLength: Long?, formFieldLimit: Int = 65536)


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fun CoroutineScope.decodeChunked(input: ByteReadChannel): DecoderJob
fun CoroutineScope.decodeChunked(input: ByteReadChannel, contentLength: Long): DecoderJob

Start a chunked stream decoder coroutine

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fun CoroutineScope.parseMultipart(input: ByteReadChannel, headers: <Error class: unknown class>): ReceiveChannel<MultipartEvent>
fun CoroutineScope.parseMultipart(input: ByteReadChannel, contentType: CharSequence, contentLength: Long?): ReceiveChannel<MultipartEvent>

Starts a multipart parser coroutine producing multipart events

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open suspend override fun readPart(): PartData?