Package-level declarations


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data class GMTDate : Comparable<GMTDate>

Date in GMT timezone

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class GMTDateParser(pattern: String)

Build GMTDate parser using pattern string.

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Thrown when the date string doesn't the string pattern.

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Invalid exception: possible overflow or underflow

Invalid exception: possible overflow or underflow

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enum Month : Enum<Month>

Month value is 3 letter shortcut

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Day of week value is 3 letter shortcut


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expect fun getTimeMillis(): Long

Gets current system time in milliseconds since certain moment in the past, only delta between two subsequent calls makes sense.

actual fun getTimeMillis(): Long

Gets current system time in milliseconds since certain moment in the past, only delta between two subsequent calls makes sense.

actual fun getTimeMillis(): Long

Gets current system time in milliseconds since certain moment in the past, only delta between two subsequent calls makes sense.

actual fun getTimeMillis(): Long

Gets current system time in milliseconds since a certain moment in the past, only delta between two subsequent calls makes sense.

actual fun getTimeMillis(): Long

Gets current system time in milliseconds since a certain moment in the past, only delta between two subsequent calls makes sense.

actual fun getTimeMillis(): Long

Gets current system time in milliseconds since certain moment in the past, only delta between two subsequent calls makes sense.

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expect fun GMTDate(timestamp: Long? = null): GMTDate

Create new gmt date from the timestamp.

expect fun GMTDate(seconds: Int, minutes: Int, hours: Int, dayOfMonth: Int, month: Month, year: Int): GMTDate

Create an instance of GMTDate from the specified date/time components

actual fun GMTDate(timestamp: Long?): GMTDate

Create new gmt date from the timestamp.

actual fun GMTDate(seconds: Int, minutes: Int, hours: Int, dayOfMonth: Int, month: Month, year: Int): GMTDate

Create an instance of GMTDate from the specified date/time components

actual fun GMTDate(timestamp: Long?): GMTDate

Create new gmt date from the timestamp.

actual fun GMTDate(timestamp: Long?): GMTDate

Create new gmt date from the timestamp.

actual fun GMTDate(seconds: Int, minutes: Int, hours: Int, dayOfMonth: Int, month: Month, year: Int): GMTDate

Create an instance of GMTDate from the specified date/time components

actual fun GMTDate(timestamp: Long?): GMTDate

Create new gmt date from the timestamp.

actual fun GMTDate(seconds: Int, minutes: Int, hours: Int, dayOfMonth: Int, month: Month, year: Int): GMTDate

Create an instance of GMTDate from the specified date/time components

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operator fun GMTDate.minus(milliseconds: Long): GMTDate

Subtracts the specified number of milliseconds

operator fun GMTDate.minus(duration: Duration): GMTDate

Subtracts the specified duration

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operator fun Long): GMTDate

Adds the specified number of milliseconds

operator fun Duration): GMTDate

Adds the specified duration

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fun Calendar.toDate(timestamp: Long?): <Error class: unknown class>
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fun <Error class: unknown class>.toJvmDate(): Date

Convert to Date

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Truncate to seconds by discarding sub-second part