data class GMTDate : Comparable<GMTDate>

Date in GMT timezone


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object Companion


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: day of month from 1 to 31

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an instance of the corresponding day of week

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: day of year from 1 to 366

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val hours: Int

: hours from 0 to 23

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: minutes from 0 to 59

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an instance of the corresponding month

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: seconds from 0 to 60(last is for leap second)

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is a number of epoch milliseconds

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val year: Int

: year in common era(CE:


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open operator override fun compareTo(other: GMTDate): Int
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operator fun GMTDate.minus(milliseconds: Long): GMTDate

Subtracts the specified number of milliseconds

operator fun GMTDate.minus(duration: Duration): GMTDate

Subtracts the specified duration

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operator fun Long): GMTDate

Adds the specified number of milliseconds

operator fun Duration): GMTDate

Adds the specified duration

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Truncate to seconds by discarding sub-second part