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Channel for asynchronous reading and writing of sequences of bytes. This is a buffered single-reader single-writer channel.

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Sequential (non-concurrent) byte channel implementation

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class ByteChannelSequentialJVM(initial: <Error class: unknown class>, autoFlush: Boolean)
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expect interface ByteReadChannel

Channel for asynchronous reading of sequences of bytes. This is a single-reader channel.

actual interface ByteReadChannel

Channel for asynchronous reading of sequences of bytes. This is a single-reader channel.

actual interface ByteReadChannel

Channel for asynchronous reading of sequences of bytes. This is a single-reader channel.

actual interface ByteReadChannel

Channel for asynchronous reading of sequences of bytes. This is a single-reader channel.

actual interface ByteReadChannel

Channel for asynchronous reading of sequences of bytes. This is a single-reader channel.

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expect interface ByteWriteChannel

Channel for asynchronous writing of sequences of bytes. This is a single-writer channel.

actual interface ByteWriteChannel

Channel for asynchronous writing of sequences of bytes. This is a single-writer channel.

actual interface ByteWriteChannel

Channel for asynchronous writing of sequences of bytes. This is a single-writer channel.

actual interface ByteWriteChannel

Channel for asynchronous writing of sequences of bytes. This is a single-writer channel.

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typealias CancellationException = kotlinx.coroutines.CancellationException
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class ClosedWriteChannelException(message: String?) : CancellationException

Indicates attempt to write on isClosedForWrite channel that was closed without a cause. A failed channel rethrows the original close cause exception on send attempts.

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typealias ConsumeEachBufferVisitor = (buffer: ByteBuffer, last: Boolean) -> Boolean

Visitor function that is invoked for every available buffer (or chunk) of a channel. The last parameter shows that the buffer is known to be the last.

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API marked with this annotation is internal, and it is not intended to be used outside Ktor. It could be modified or removed without any notice. Using it outside Ktor could cause undefined behaviour and/or any unexpected effects.

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API marked with this annotation is experimental and is not guaranteed to be stable.

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API marked with this annotation is intended to become public in the future version. Usually it means that the API can't be public at the moment of development due to compatibility guarantees restrictions.

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interface ReaderJob : Job

A coroutine job that is reading from a byte channel

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interface ReaderScope : CoroutineScope
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interface ReadSession
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interface WriterJob : Job

A coroutine job that is writing to a byte channel

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interface WriterScope : CoroutineScope
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interface WriterSession
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expect fun ByteChannel(autoFlush: Boolean = false): ByteChannel

Creates buffered channel for asynchronous reading and writing of sequences of bytes.

actual fun ByteChannel(autoFlush: Boolean): ByteChannel

Creates buffered channel for asynchronous reading and writing of sequences of bytes.

actual fun ByteChannel(autoFlush: Boolean): ByteChannel

Creates a buffered channel for asynchronous reading and writing of sequences of bytes.

fun ByteChannel(autoFlush: Boolean = false, exceptionMapper: (Throwable?) -> Throwable?): <Error class: unknown class>

Creates a buffered channel for asynchronous reading and writing of sequences of bytes using close function to close a channel.

actual fun ByteChannel(autoFlush: Boolean): ByteChannel

Creates a buffered channel for asynchronous reading and writing of sequences of bytes.

actual fun ByteChannel(autoFlush: Boolean): ByteChannel

Creates buffered channel for asynchronous reading and writing of sequences of bytes.

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Creates channel for reading from the specified byte array. Please note that it could use content directly or copy its bytes depending on the platform.

fun ByteReadChannel(text: String, charset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8): ByteReadChannel

expect fun ByteReadChannel(content: ByteArray, offset: Int, length: Int): ByteReadChannel

Creates channel for reading from the specified byte array. Please note that it could use content directly or copy its bytes depending on the platform

Creates channel for reading from the specified ArrayBufferView

actual fun ByteReadChannel(content: ByteArray, offset: Int, length: Int): ByteReadChannel

Creates channel for reading from the specified byte array.

Creates a channel for reading from the specified byte buffer.

actual fun ByteReadChannel(content: ByteArray, offset: Int, length: Int): ByteReadChannel

Creates a channel for reading from the specified byte array.

actual fun ByteReadChannel(content: ByteArray, offset: Int, length: Int): ByteReadChannel

Creates channel for reading from the specified byte array.

actual fun ByteReadChannel(content: ByteArray, offset: Int, length: Int): ByteReadChannel

Creates channel for reading from the specified byte array.

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Closes this channel with no failure (successfully)

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For every available bytes range invokes visitor function until it return false or end of stream encountered. The provided buffer should be never captured outside of the visitor block otherwise resource leaks, crashes and data corruptions may occur. The visitor block may be invoked multiple times, once or never.

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suspend fun ByteReadChannel.copyAndClose(dst: ByteWriteChannel, limit: Long = Long.MAX_VALUE): Long

Reads all the bytes from receiver channel and writes them to dst channel and then closes it. Closes dst channel if fails to read or write with cause exception.

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Reads bytes from receiver channel and writes them to dst channel. Closes dst channel if fails to read or write with cause exception.

expect suspend fun ByteReadChannel.copyTo(dst: ByteWriteChannel, limit: Long): Long

Reads up to limit bytes from receiver channel and writes them to dst channel. Closes dst channel if fails to read or write with cause exception.

actual suspend fun ByteReadChannel.copyTo(dst: ByteWriteChannel, limit: Long): Long

Reads up to limit bytes from receiver channel and writes them to dst channel. Closes dst channel if fails to read or write with cause exception.

actual suspend fun ByteReadChannel.copyTo(dst: ByteWriteChannel, limit: Long): Long

Reads up to limit bytes from receiver channel and writes them to dst channel. Closes dst channel if fails to read or write with cause exception.

actual suspend fun ByteReadChannel.copyTo(dst: ByteWriteChannel, limit: Long): Long

Reads up to limit bytes from receiver channel and writes them to dst channel. Closes dst channel if fails to read or write with cause exception.

actual suspend fun ByteReadChannel.copyTo(dst: ByteWriteChannel, limit: Long): Long

Reads up to limit bytes from receiver channel and writes them to dst channel. Closes dst channel if fails to read or write with cause exception.

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Discards all bytes in the channel and suspends until end of stream.

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inline suspend fun ByteReadChannel.discardExact(n: Long)

Discards exactly n bytes or fails if not enough bytes in the channel

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expect suspend fun ByteReadChannel.joinTo(dst: ByteWriteChannel, closeOnEnd: Boolean)
actual suspend fun ByteReadChannel.joinTo(dst: ByteWriteChannel, closeOnEnd: Boolean)
actual suspend fun ByteReadChannel.joinTo(dst: ByteWriteChannel, closeOnEnd: Boolean)
actual suspend fun ByteReadChannel.joinTo(dst: ByteWriteChannel, closeOnEnd: Boolean)
actual suspend fun ByteReadChannel.joinTo(dst: ByteWriteChannel, closeOnEnd: Boolean)
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expect fun Throwable.printStack()

Print exception stacktrace.

actual fun Throwable.printStack()

Print exception stacktrace.

actual fun Throwable.printStack()

Print exception stacktrace.

actual fun Throwable.printStack()

Print exception stacktrace.

actual fun Throwable.printStack()

Print exception stacktrace.

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inline suspend fun Int = 1, block: (source: Memory, start: Long, endExclusive: Long) -> Int): Int

Await until at least desiredSize is available for read or EOF and invoke block function. The block function should never capture a provided Memory instance outside otherwise an undefined behaviour may occur including accidental crash or data corruption. Block function should return number of bytes consumed or 0.

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inline suspend fun ByteReadChannel.readDouble(byteOrder: ByteOrder): Double
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fun reader(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, channel: ByteChannel, parent: Job? = null, block: suspend ReaderScope.() -> Unit): ReaderJob
fun reader(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, autoFlush: Boolean = false, parent: Job? = null, block: suspend ReaderScope.() -> Unit): ReaderJob
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fun CoroutineScope.reader(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, channel: ByteChannel, block: suspend ReaderScope.() -> Unit): ReaderJob
fun CoroutineScope.reader(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, autoFlush: Boolean = false, block: suspend ReaderScope.() -> Unit): ReaderJob
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inline suspend fun ByteReadChannel.readFloat(byteOrder: ByteOrder): Float
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inline suspend fun ByteReadChannel.readInt(byteOrder: ByteOrder): Int
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inline suspend fun ByteReadChannel.readLong(byteOrder: ByteOrder): Long
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Reads all remaining bytes and makes a byte packet

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inline suspend fun ByteReadChannel.readShort(byteOrder: ByteOrder): Short
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Reads from the channel to the specified dst byte buffer until one of the following:

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suspend fun ByteReadChannel.skipDelimiter(delimiter: ByteBuffer)
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fun <E : Throwable> tryCopyException(exception: E, cause: Throwable): E?

Try copy exception using cause as cause.

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inline suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.write(desiredSpace: Int = 1, block: (freeSpace: Memory, startOffset: Long, endExclusive: Long) -> Int): Int

Await for desiredSpace will be available for write and invoke block function providing Memory instance and the corresponding range suitable for wiring in the memory. The block function should return number of bytes were written, possibly 0.

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Writes UTF16 character

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suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeDouble(value: Double, byteOrder: ByteOrder)
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suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeFloat(value: Float, byteOrder: ByteOrder)
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suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeInt(value: Int, byteOrder: ByteOrder)
suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeInt(i: Long, byteOrder: ByteOrder)
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suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeLong(value: Long, byteOrder: ByteOrder)
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inline suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writePacket(builder: BytePacketBuilder.() -> Unit)
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suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writePacketSuspend(builder: suspend BytePacketBuilder.() -> Unit)
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fun writer(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, channel: ByteChannel, parent: Job? = null, block: suspend WriterScope.() -> Unit): WriterJob
fun writer(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, autoFlush: Boolean = false, parent: Job? = null, block: suspend WriterScope.() -> Unit): WriterJob
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fun CoroutineScope.writer(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, channel: ByteChannel, block: suspend WriterScope.() -> Unit): WriterJob
fun CoroutineScope.writer(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, autoFlush: Boolean = false, block: suspend WriterScope.() -> Unit): WriterJob
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suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeShort(s: Int, byteOrder: ByteOrder)
suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeShort(value: Short, byteOrder: ByteOrder)
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