
Prepares an HttpClient's POST request with the parameters configured in builder.

inline suspend fun HttpClient.preparePost(block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit): HttpStatement

Prepares an HttpClient's POST request with the parameters configured in block.

inline suspend fun HttpClient.preparePost(urlString: String, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares an HttpClient's POST request with the specified url and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for configuring the request.

inline suspend fun HttpClient.preparePost(url: Url, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient POST request with the specified url and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for configuring the request.

suspend fun <Error class: unknown class>.preparePost(url: URL, block: <Error class: unknown class>.() -> Unit = {}): <Error class: unknown class>

Prepares a HttpClient POST request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.