Package-level declarations


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object JsType : Type
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expect interface Type

Information about type.

actual interface Type
actual typealias Type = java.lang.reflect.Type
actual typealias Type = KType
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data class TypeInfo(val type: KClass<*>, val reifiedType: Type, val kotlinType: KType? = null)

Ktor type information.


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expect val KType.platformType: Type
actual val KType.platformType: Type
actual val KType.platformType: Type
actual val KType.platformType: Type


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expect fun Any.instanceOf(type: KClass<*>): Boolean

Check this is instance of type.

actual fun Any.instanceOf(type: KClass<*>): Boolean

Check this is instance of type.

actual fun Any.instanceOf(type: KClass<*>): Boolean

Check this is instance of type.

actual fun Any.instanceOf(type: KClass<*>): Boolean

Check this is instance of type.

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expect inline fun <T> typeInfo(): TypeInfo

Returns TypeInfo for the specified type T

actual inline fun <T> typeInfo(): TypeInfo
actual inline fun <T> typeInfo(): TypeInfo
actual inline fun <T> typeInfo(): TypeInfo
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fun typeInfoImpl(reifiedType: Type, kClass: KClass<*>, kType: KType?): TypeInfo
fun typeInfoImpl(reifiedType: Type, kClass: KClass<*>, kType: KType?): <Error class: unknown class>