
open class AsyncServletApplicationCall(    application: Application,     servletRequest: HttpServletRequest,     servletResponse: HttpServletResponse,     engineContext: CoroutineContext,     userContext: CoroutineContext,     upgrade: ServletUpgrade,     parentCoroutineContext: CoroutineContext,     managedByEngineHeaders: Set<String> = emptySet()) : BaseApplicationCall, CoroutineScope


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constructor(    application: Application,     servletRequest: HttpServletRequest,     servletResponse: HttpServletResponse,     engineContext: CoroutineContext,     userContext: CoroutineContext,     upgrade: ServletUpgrade,     parentCoroutineContext: CoroutineContext,     managedByEngineHeaders: Set<String> = emptySet())


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override val application: Application
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override val attributes: Attributes
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open override val parameters: Parameters
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fun ApplicationCall.putServletAttributes(request: ServletRequest)
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open suspend override fun <T> receiveNullable(typeInfo: TypeInfo): T?
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open suspend override fun respond(message: Any?, typeInfo: TypeInfo?)