
class ByteChannelSequentialJVM(initial: <Error class: unknown class>, autoFlush: Boolean)


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constructor(initial: <Error class: unknown class>, autoFlush: Boolean)


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open fun attachJob(job: Job)
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open suspend fun awaitContent()

Suspend until the channel has bytes to read or gets closed. Throws exception if the channel was closed with an error.

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open fun <R> lookAhead(visitor: LookAheadSession.() -> R): R
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open suspend fun <R> lookAheadSuspend(visitor: suspend LookAheadSuspendSession.() -> R): R
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open suspend fun read(min: Int, consumer: (ByteBuffer) -> Unit)
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open suspend fun readAvailable(dst: ByteBuffer): Int
open fun readAvailable(min: Int, block: (ByteBuffer) -> Unit): Int
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open suspend fun readFully(dst: ByteBuffer): Int
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open suspend fun write(min: Int, block: (ByteBuffer) -> Unit)
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open suspend fun writeAvailable(src: ByteBuffer): Int
open fun writeAvailable(min: Int, block: (ByteBuffer) -> Unit): Int
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open suspend fun writeFully(src: ByteBuffer)
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open suspend fun writeWhile(block: (ByteBuffer) -> Boolean)