Package-level declarations


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A client Server-sent events session.

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Indicates if a client engine supports Server-sent events.

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class SSEClientContent(val reconnectionTime: Duration, val showCommentEvents: Boolean, val showRetryEvents: Boolean, requestBody: OutgoingContent) : OutgoingContent.ContentWrapper
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class SSEConfig

A config for the SSE plugin.

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interface SSESession : CoroutineScope

A Server-sent events session.


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Client Server-sent events plugin that allows you to establish an SSE connection to a server and receive Server-sent events from it.


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suspend fun HttpClient.serverSentEvents(request: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit, reconnectionTime: Duration? = null, showCommentEvents: Boolean? = null, showRetryEvents: Boolean? = null, block: suspend ClientSSESession.() -> Unit)
suspend fun HttpClient.serverSentEvents(urlString: String, reconnectionTime: Duration? = null, showCommentEvents: Boolean? = null, showRetryEvents: Boolean? = null, request: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}, block: suspend ClientSSESession.() -> Unit)
suspend fun HttpClient.serverSentEvents(scheme: String? = null, host: String? = null, port: Int? = null, path: String? = null, reconnectionTime: Duration? = null, showCommentEvents: Boolean? = null, showRetryEvents: Boolean? = null, request: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}, block: suspend ClientSSESession.() -> Unit)

Opens a block with ClientSSESession.

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suspend fun HttpClient.serverSentEventsSession(reconnectionTime: Duration? = null, showCommentEvents: Boolean? = null, showRetryEvents: Boolean? = null, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit): ClientSSESession
suspend fun HttpClient.serverSentEventsSession(urlString: String, reconnectionTime: Duration? = null, showCommentEvents: Boolean? = null, showRetryEvents: Boolean? = null, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): ClientSSESession
suspend fun HttpClient.serverSentEventsSession(scheme: String? = null, host: String? = null, port: Int? = null, path: String? = null, reconnectionTime: Duration? = null, showCommentEvents: Boolean? = null, showRetryEvents: Boolean? = null, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): ClientSSESession
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fun HttpClientConfig<*>.SSE(config: SSEConfig.() -> Unit)

Installs the SSE plugin using the config as configuration.

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suspend fun HttpClient.sse(request: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit, reconnectionTime: Duration? = null, showCommentEvents: Boolean? = null, showRetryEvents: Boolean? = null, block: suspend ClientSSESession.() -> Unit)
suspend fun HttpClient.sse(urlString: String, request: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}, reconnectionTime: Duration? = null, showCommentEvents: Boolean? = null, showRetryEvents: Boolean? = null, block: suspend ClientSSESession.() -> Unit)
suspend fun HttpClient.sse(scheme: String? = null, host: String? = null, port: Int? = null, path: String? = null, request: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}, reconnectionTime: Duration? = null, showCommentEvents: Boolean? = null, showRetryEvents: Boolean? = null, block: suspend ClientSSESession.() -> Unit)

Opens a block with ClientSSESession.

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suspend fun HttpClient.sseSession(reconnectionTime: Duration? = null, showCommentEvents: Boolean? = null, showRetryEvents: Boolean? = null, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit): ClientSSESession
suspend fun HttpClient.sseSession(urlString: String, reconnectionTime: Duration? = null, showCommentEvents: Boolean? = null, showRetryEvents: Boolean? = null, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): ClientSSESession
suspend fun HttpClient.sseSession(scheme: String? = null, host: String? = null, port: Int? = null, path: String? = null, reconnectionTime: Duration? = null, showCommentEvents: Boolean? = null, showRetryEvents: Boolean? = null, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): ClientSSESession