Package io.ktor.routing


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data class AndRouteSelector(first: RouteSelector, second: RouteSelector) : RouteSelector

Evaluates a route as a result of the AND operation using two other selectors

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data class ConstantParameterRouteSelector(name: String, value: String) : RouteSelector

Evaluates a route against a constant query parameter value

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data class HostRouteSelector(hostList: List<String>, hostPatterns: List<Regex>, portsList: List<Int>) : RouteSelector

Evaluates a route against a request's host and port

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data class HttpAcceptRouteSelector(contentType: ContentType) : RouteSelector

Evaluates a route against a content-type in the HttpHeaders.Accept header in the request

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data class HttpHeaderRouteSelector(name: String, value: String) : RouteSelector

Evaluates a route against a header in the request

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data class HttpMethodRouteSelector(method: HttpMethod) : RouteSelector

Evaluates a route against an HttpMethod

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class IgnoreTrailingSlash

Feature that ignores trailing slashes while resolving urls

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data class LocalPortRouteSelector(port: Int) : RouteSelector

Evaluate a route against the port on which the call was received.

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data class OptionalParameterRouteSelector(name: String) : RouteSelector

Evaluates a route against an optional query parameter value and captures its value, if found

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data class OrRouteSelector(first: RouteSelector, second: RouteSelector) : RouteSelector

Evaluates a route as a result of the OR operation using two other selectors

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data class ParameterRouteSelector(name: String) : RouteSelector

Evaluates a route against a query parameter value and captures its value

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data class PathSegmentConstantRouteSelector(value: String) : RouteSelector

Evaluates a route against a constant path segment

data class PathSegmentOptionalParameterRouteSelector(name: String, prefix: String?, suffix: String?) : RouteSelector

Evaluates a route against an optional parameter path segment and captures its value, if any

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data class PathSegmentParameterRouteSelector(name: String, prefix: String?, suffix: String?) : RouteSelector

Evaluates a route against a parameter path segment and captures its value

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object PathSegmentSelectorBuilder

Helper object for building instances of RouteSelector from path segments

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data class PathSegmentTailcardRouteSelector(name: String, prefix: String) : RouteSelector

Evaluates a route against any number of trailing path segments, and captures their values

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object PathSegmentWildcardRouteSelector : RouteSelector

Evaluates a route against any single path segment

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class RootRouteSelector(rootPath: String) : RouteSelector

The selector for routing root.

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open class Route(parent: Route?, selector: RouteSelector, developmentMode: Boolean) : ApplicationCallPipeline

Describes a node in a routing tree.

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abstract class RouteSelector constructor(quality: Double)

Base type for all routing selectors

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data class RouteSelectorEvaluation(succeeded: Boolean, quality: Double, parameters: Parameters, segmentIncrement: Int)

Represents a result of a route evaluation against a call

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class Routing(application: Application) : Route

Root routing node for an Application

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class RoutingApplicationCall(call: ApplicationCall, route: Route, receivePipeline: ApplicationReceivePipeline, responsePipeline: ApplicationSendPipeline, parameters: Parameters) : ApplicationCall

Represents an application call being handled by Routing

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Represents an application request being handled by Routing

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Represents an application response being handled by Routing

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class RoutingPath

Represents a parsed routing path. Consist of number of segments parts

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data class RoutingPathSegment(value: String, kind: RoutingPathSegmentKind)

Represent a single routing path segment

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enum RoutingPathSegmentKind : Enum<RoutingPathSegmentKind>

Possible routing path segment kinds

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class RoutingResolveContext(routing: Route, call: ApplicationCall, tracers: List<(RoutingResolveTrace) -> Unit>)

Represents a context in which routing resolution is being performed

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sealed class RoutingResolveResult

Represents a result of routing resolution.

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class RoutingResolveTrace(call: ApplicationCall, segments: List<String>)

Represents the trace of routing resolution process for diagnostics.

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open class RoutingResolveTraceEntry(route: Route, segmentIndex: Int, result: RoutingResolveResult?)

Represents a single entry in the RoutingResolveTrace.

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object TrailingSlashRouteSelector : RouteSelector

Evaluates a route against a single trailing slash


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fun Route.accept(contentType: ContentType, build: Route.() -> Unit): Route

Builds a route to match requests with HttpHeaders.Accept header matching specified contentType

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fun Route.contentType(contentType: ContentType, build: Route.() -> Unit): Route

Builds a route to match requests with HttpHeaders.ContentType header matching specified contentType

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fun Route.createRouteFromPath(path: String): Route

Create a routing entry for specified path

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fun Route.delete(body: PipelineInterceptor<Unit, ApplicationCall>): Route

Builds a route to match DELETE requests

fun Route.delete(path: String, body: PipelineInterceptor<Unit, ApplicationCall>): Route

Builds a route to match DELETE requests with specified path

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fun Route.get(body: PipelineInterceptor<Unit, ApplicationCall>): Route

Builds a route to match GET requests

fun Route.get(path: String, body: PipelineInterceptor<Unit, ApplicationCall>): Route

Builds a route to match GET requests with specified path

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fun Route.head(body: PipelineInterceptor<Unit, ApplicationCall>): Route

Builds a route to match HEAD requests

fun Route.head(path: String, body: PipelineInterceptor<Unit, ApplicationCall>): Route

Builds a route to match HEAD requests with specified path

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fun Route.header(name: String, value: String, build: Route.() -> Unit): Route

Builds a route to match header with specified name and value

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fun String, port: Int = 0, build: Route.() -> Unit): Route
fun List<String>, ports: List<Int> = emptyList(), build: Route.() -> Unit): Route
fun Regex, port: Int = 0, build: Route.() -> Unit): Route
fun List<String>, hostPatterns: List<Regex>, ports: List<Int> = emptyList(), build: Route.() -> Unit): Route

Create a route to match request host and port. There are no any host resolutions/transformations applied to a host: a request host is treated as a string.

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fun Route.localPort(port: Int, build: Route.() -> Unit): Route

Create a route to match the port on which the call was received.

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fun Route.method(method: HttpMethod, body: Route.() -> Unit): Route

Builds a route to match specified method

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fun Route.optionalParam(name: String, build: Route.() -> Unit): Route

Builds a route to optionally capture parameter with specified name, if it exists

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fun Route.options(body: PipelineInterceptor<Unit, ApplicationCall>): Route

Builds a route to match OPTIONS requests

fun Route.options(path: String, body: PipelineInterceptor<Unit, ApplicationCall>): Route

Builds a route to match OPTIONS requests with specified path

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fun Route.param(name: String, build: Route.() -> Unit): Route

Builds a route to match parameter with specified name and capture its value

fun Route.param(name: String, value: String, build: Route.() -> Unit): Route

Builds a route to match parameter with specified name and value

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@JvmName(name = "patchTyped")
inline fun <R : Any> Route.patch(crossinline body: suspend PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.(R) -> Unit): Route

Builds a route to match PATCH requests receiving request body content of type R

fun Route.patch(body: PipelineInterceptor<Unit, ApplicationCall>): Route

Builds a route to match PATCH requests

@JvmName(name = "patchTypedPath")
inline fun <R : Any> Route.patch(path: String, crossinline body: suspend PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.(R) -> Unit): Route

Builds a route to match PATCH requests with specified path receiving request body content of type R

fun Route.patch(path: String, body: PipelineInterceptor<Unit, ApplicationCall>): Route

Builds a route to match PATCH requests with specified path

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fun Route.port(vararg ports: Int, build: Route.() -> Unit): Route

Create a route to match request port.

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@JvmName(name = "postTyped")
inline fun <R : Any> body: suspend PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.(R) -> Unit): Route

Builds a route to match POST requests receiving request body content of type R

fun PipelineInterceptor<Unit, ApplicationCall>): Route

Builds a route to match POST requests

@JvmName(name = "postTypedPath")
inline fun <R : Any> String, crossinline body: suspend PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.(R) -> Unit): Route

Builds a route to match POST requests with specified path receiving request body content of type R

fun String, body: PipelineInterceptor<Unit, ApplicationCall>): Route

Builds a route to match POST requests with specified path

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@JvmName(name = "putTyped")
inline fun <R : Any> Route.put(crossinline body: suspend PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.(R) -> Unit): Route

Builds a route to match PUT requests with receiving request body content of type R

fun Route.put(body: PipelineInterceptor<Unit, ApplicationCall>): Route

Builds a route to match PUT requests

@JvmName(name = "putTypedPath")
inline fun <R : Any> Route.put(path: String, crossinline body: suspend PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.(R) -> Unit): Route

Builds a route to match PUT requests with specified path receiving request body content of type R

fun Route.put(path: String, body: PipelineInterceptor<Unit, ApplicationCall>): Route

Builds a route to match PUT requests with specified path

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fun Route.route(path: String, build: Route.() -> Unit): Route

Builds a route to match specified path

fun Route.route(path: String, method: HttpMethod, build: Route.() -> Unit): Route

Builds a route to match specified method and path

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fun Application.routing(configuration: Routing.() -> Unit): Routing

Gets or installs a Routing feature for the this Application and runs a configuration script on it


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val Route.application: Application

Gets an Application for this Route by scanning the hierarchy to the root