Package io.ktor.http.cio


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class CIOHeaders(headers: HttpHeadersMap) : Headers

An adapter from CIO low-level headers map to ktor Headers interface

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class CIOMultipartDataBase(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, channel: ByteReadChannel, contentType: CharSequence, contentLength: Long?, formFieldLimit: Int, inMemoryFileUploadLimit: Int) : MultiPartData, CoroutineScope

Represents a multipart data object that does parse and convert parts to ktor's PartData

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class ConnectionOptions(close: Boolean, keepAlive: Boolean, upgrade: Boolean, extraOptions: List<String>)

Represents a parsed Connection header

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typealias DecoderJob = WriterJob

Decoder job type

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typealias EncoderJob = ReaderJob

Encoder job type

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class HttpHeadersMap

A headers map data structure used in CIO

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abstract class HttpMessage : Closeable

Represents a base HTTP message type for request and response

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typealias HttpRequestHandler = suspend ServerRequestScope.(request: Request) -> Unit

HTTP request handler function

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sealed class MultipartEvent

Represents a multipart content starting event. Every part need to be completely consumed or released via release

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class ParserException(message: String) : Exception

An HTTP parser exception

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class Request : HttpMessage

Represents an HTTP request

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expect class RequestResponseBuilder

Builds an HTTP request or response

actual class RequestResponseBuilder

Builds an HTTP request or response

actual class RequestResponseBuilder

Builds an HTTP request or response

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class Response : HttpMessage

Represents an HTTP response


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suspend fun boundary(boundaryPrefixed: ByteBuffer, input: ByteReadChannel): Boolean

Skip multipart boundary

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suspend fun copyMultipart(headers: HttpHeadersMap, input: ByteReadChannel, out: ByteWriteChannel)
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fun CoroutineScope.decodeChunked(input: ByteReadChannel): DecoderJob
fun CoroutineScope.decodeChunked(input: ByteReadChannel, contentLength: Long): DecoderJob

Start a chunked stream decoder coroutine

suspend fun decodeChunked(input: ByteReadChannel, out: ByteWriteChannel)

Decode chunked transfer encoding from the input channel and write the result in out.

suspend fun decodeChunked(input: ByteReadChannel, out: ByteWriteChannel, contentLength: Long)

Chunked stream decoding loop

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fun HttpHeadersMap.dumpTo(indent: String, out: Appendable)

Dump header values to out, useful for debugging

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suspend fun encodeChunked(output: ByteWriteChannel, input: ByteReadChannel)

Chunked stream encoding loop

suspend fun encodeChunked(output: ByteWriteChannel, coroutineContext: CoroutineContext): EncoderJob

Start chunked stream encoding coroutine

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fun expectHttpBody(request: Request): Boolean
fun expectHttpBody(method: HttpMethod, contentLength: Long, transferEncoding: CharSequence?, connectionOptions: ConnectionOptions?, contentType: CharSequence?): Boolean
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fun expectHttpUpgrade(request: Request): Boolean
fun expectHttpUpgrade(method: HttpMethod, upgrade: CharSequence?, connectionOptions: ConnectionOptions?): Boolean
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fun expectMultipart(headers: HttpHeadersMap): Boolean

Check if we have multipart content

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fun lastHttpRequest(http11: Boolean, connectionOptions: ConnectionOptions?): Boolean
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fun parseBoundary(contentType: CharSequence): ByteBuffer

Parse multipart boundary encoded in contentType header value

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suspend fun parseHeaders(input: ByteReadChannel): HttpHeadersMap

Parse http headers. Not applicable to request and response status lines.

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suspend fun parseHttpBody(headers: HttpHeadersMap, input: ByteReadChannel, out: ByteWriteChannel)

Parse HTTP request or response body using request/response's headers writing it to out. Usually doesn't fail but closing out channel with error.

suspend fun parseHttpBody(contentLength: Long, transferEncoding: CharSequence?, connectionOptions: ConnectionOptions?, input: ByteReadChannel, out: ByteWriteChannel)

Parse HTTP request or response body using contentLength, transferEncoding and connectionOptions writing it to out. Usually doesn't fail but closing out channel with error.

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fun CoroutineScope.parseMultipart(input: ByteReadChannel, headers: HttpHeadersMap): ReceiveChannel<MultipartEvent>
fun CoroutineScope.parseMultipart(input: ByteReadChannel, contentType: CharSequence, contentLength: Long?): ReceiveChannel<MultipartEvent>
fun CoroutineScope.parseMultipart(boundaryPrefixed: ByteBuffer, input: ByteReadChannel, totalLength: Long?): ReceiveChannel<MultipartEvent>

Starts a multipart parser coroutine producing multipart events

fun parseMultipart(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, input: ByteReadChannel, headers: HttpHeadersMap): ReceiveChannel<MultipartEvent>
fun parseMultipart(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, input: ByteReadChannel, contentType: CharSequence, contentLength: Long?): ReceiveChannel<MultipartEvent>
fun parseMultipart(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, boundaryPrefixed: ByteBuffer, input: ByteReadChannel, totalLength: Long?): ReceiveChannel<MultipartEvent>
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suspend fun parsePart(boundaryPrefixed: ByteBuffer, input: ByteReadChannel, output: ByteWriteChannel, limit: Long = Long.MAX_VALUE): Pair<HttpHeadersMap, Long>

Parse multipart part headers and body. Body bytes will be copied to output but up to limit bytes

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suspend fun parsePartBody(boundaryPrefixed: ByteBuffer, input: ByteReadChannel, output: ByteWriteChannel, headers: HttpHeadersMap, limit: Long = Long.MAX_VALUE): Long

Parse multipart part body copying them to output channel but up to limit bytes

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suspend fun parsePartHeaders(input: ByteReadChannel): HttpHeadersMap

Parse multipart part headers

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suspend fun parsePreamble(boundaryPrefixed: ByteBuffer, input: ByteReadChannel, output: BytePacketBuilder, limit: Long = Long.MAX_VALUE): Long

Parse a multipart preamble

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suspend fun parseRequest(input: ByteReadChannel): Request?

Parse an HTTP request line and headers

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suspend fun parseResponse(input: ByteReadChannel): Response?

Parse an HTTP response status line and headers

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fun CoroutineScope.startConnectionPipeline(input: ByteReadChannel, output: ByteWriteChannel, timeout: WeakTimeoutQueue, handler: suspend CoroutineScope.(request: Request, input: ByteReadChannel, output: ByteWriteChannel, upgraded: CompletableDeferred<Boolean>?) -> Unit): Job

Start connection HTTP pipeline invoking handler for every request. Note that handler could be invoked multiple times concurrently due to HTTP pipeline nature


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val HttpPipelineCoroutine: CoroutineName

HTTP pipeline coroutine name

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val HttpPipelineWriterCoroutine: CoroutineName

HTTP pipeline writer coroutine name

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val RequestHandlerCoroutine: CoroutineName

HTTP request handler coroutine name