Package io.ktor.locations


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annotation class KtorExperimentalLocationsAPI

API marked with this annotation is experimental and is not guaranteed to be stable.

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annotation class Location(path: String)

Annotation for classes that will act as typed routes.

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class LocationAttributeRouteService : LocationRouteService

Implements LocationRouteService by extracting routing information from a Location annotation.

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data class LocationInfo

A location class/object registration info.

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abstract class LocationPropertyInfo

Represents a location's property

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interface LocationRouteService

Provides services for extracting routing information from a location class.

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class LocationRoutingException(message: String) : Exception

Exception indicating that route parameters in curly brackets do not match class properties.

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open class Locations constructor(application: Application, routeService: LocationRouteService)

Ktor feature that allows to handle and construct routes in a typed way.


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inline fun <T : Any> Route.delete(noinline body: suspend PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.(T) -> Unit): Route

Registers a typed handler body for a DELETE location defined by class T.

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inline fun <T : Any> Route.get(noinline body: suspend PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.(T) -> Unit): Route

Registers a typed handler body for a GET location defined by class T.

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inline fun <T : Any> Route.handle(noinline body: suspend PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.(T) -> Unit)

Registers a handler body for a location defined by class T.

fun <T : Any> Route.handle(dataClass: KClass<T>, body: suspend PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.(T) -> Unit)

Registers a handler body for a location defined by class dataClass.

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inline fun <T : Any> Route.head(noinline body: suspend PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.(T) -> Unit): Route

Registers a typed handler body for a HEAD location defined by class T.

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fun PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.href(location: Any): String

Renders link to a location using current installed locations service

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inline fun <T : Any> ApplicationCall.location(): T

Retrieves the current call's location or fails if it is not available (request is not handled by a location class), or not yet available (invoked too early before the locations feature takes place).

inline fun <T : Any> Route.location(noinline body: Route.() -> Unit): Route

Registers a route body for a location defined by class T.

fun <T : Any> Route.location(data: KClass<T>, body: Route.() -> Unit): Route

Registers a route body for a location defined by class data.

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inline fun <T : Any> ApplicationCall.locationOrNull(): T

Retrieves the current call's location or fails if it is not available (request is not handled by a location class), or not yet available (invoked too early before the locations feature takes place).

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inline fun <T : Any> Route.options(noinline body: suspend PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.(T) -> Unit): Route

Registers a typed handler body for a OPTIONS location defined by class T.

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inline fun <T : Any> Route.patch(noinline body: suspend PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.(T) -> Unit): Route

Registers a typed handler body for a PATCH location defined by class T.

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inline fun <T : Any> body: suspend PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.(T) -> Unit): Route

Registers a typed handler body for a POST location defined by class T.

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inline fun <T : Any> Route.put(noinline body: suspend PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.(T) -> Unit): Route

Registers a typed handler body for a PUT location defined by class T.

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fun ApplicationCall.url(location: Any, block: URLBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): String

Constructs a String with the url of a instance location whose class must be annotated with Location.


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val PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.locations: Locations

Gets the Application.locations feature

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val ApplicationCall.locations: Locations

Gets the Application.locations feature

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val Application.locations: Locations

Gets the Application.locations feature