Package io.ktor.util.collections


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open class ConcurrentCollection<E>(delegate: MutableCollection<E>, lock: Lock) : MutableCollection<E>
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class ConcurrentList<T> : MutableList<T>
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class ConcurrentMap<Key : Any, Value : Any>(lock: Lock, initialCapacity: Int) : MutableMap<Key, Value>

Ktor concurrent map implementation. Please do not use it.

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class ConcurrentSet<Key : Any>(lock: Lock, delegate: ConcurrentMap<Key, Unit>) : MutableSet<Key>

Concurrent set implemented on top of ConcurrentMap

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class LockFreeMPSCQueue<E : Any>

Lock-free Multiply-Producer Single-Consumer Queue. Note: This queue is NOT linearizable. It provides only quiescent consistency for its operations.


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inline fun <ERROR CLASS>.loop(action: (Long) -> Unit): Nothing

Infinite loop that reads this atomic variable and performs the specified action on its value.

inline fun <T> <ERROR CLASS><T>.loop(action: (T) -> Unit): Nothing
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inline fun <ERROR CLASS>.update(function: (Long) -> Long)

Updates variable atomically using the specified function of its value.

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inline fun <ERROR CLASS>.updateAndGet(function: (Long) -> Long): Long

Updates variable atomically using the specified function of its value and returns its new value.