
class Configuration : BaseApplicationEngine.Configuration

Configuration for the NettyApplicationEngine


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fun Configuration()


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var callGroupSize: Int
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var configureBootstrap: ServerBootstrap.() -> Unit

User-provided function to configure Netty's ServerBootstrap

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var connectionGroupSize: Int
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var httpServerCodec: () -> HttpServerCodec

User-provided function to configure Netty's HttpServerCodec

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val parallelism: Int
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var requestQueueLimit: Int = 16

Size of the queue to store ApplicationCall instances that cannot be immediately processed

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var requestReadTimeoutSeconds: Int = 0

Timeout in seconds for reading requests from client, "0" is infinite.

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var responseWriteTimeoutSeconds: Int = 10

Timeout in seconds for sending responses to client

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var runningLimit: Int = 10

Number of concurrently running requests from the same http pipeline

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var shareWorkGroup: Boolean = false

Do not create separate call event group and reuse worker group for processing calls

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var tcpKeepAlive: Boolean = false

If set to true, enables TCP keep alive for connections so all dead client connections will be discarded. The timeout period is configured by the system so configure your host accordingly.

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var workerGroupSize: Int