
class WriterContent(body: suspend Writer.() -> Unit, val contentType: ContentType, val status: HttpStatusCode? = null, val contentLength: Long? = null) : OutgoingContent.WriteChannelContent

Represents a content that is produced by body function


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constructor(body: suspend Writer.() -> Unit, contentType: ContentType, status: HttpStatusCode? = null, contentLength: Long? = null)


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Gets or sets the CacheControl instance as an extension property on this content.

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open override val contentLength: Long? = null

Specifies content length in bytes for this resource.

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open override val contentType: ContentType

Specifies ContentType for this resource.

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open val headers: Headers

Headers to set when sending this content

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open override val status: HttpStatusCode? = null

Status code to set when sending this content

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Gets or sets a list of Version instances as an extension property on this content.


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fun OutgoingContent.compressed(contentEncoder: ContentEncoder, coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext): OutgoingContent?

Returns OutgoingContent compressed with contentEncoder if possible.

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open fun <T : Any> getProperty(key: AttributeKey<T>): T?

Gets an extension property for this content

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Check if current OutgoingContent doesn't contain content

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open fun <T : Any> setProperty(key: AttributeKey<T>, value: T?)

Sets an extension property for this content

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open fun trailers(): Headers?

Trailers to set when sending this content, will be ignored if request is not in HTTP2 mode

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open suspend override fun writeTo(channel: ByteWriteChannel)

Receives channel provided by the engine and writes all data to it