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Sequential (non-concurrent) byte channel implementation

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interface ByteReadChannel

Channel for asynchronous reading of sequences of bytes. This is a single-reader channel.

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Channel for asynchronous writing of sequences of bytes. This is a single-writer channel.

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typealias CancellationException = kotlinx.coroutines.CancellationException
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interface ChannelJob
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typealias ClosedWriteChannelException = IOException
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Thrown when a coroutine awaiting I/O is replaced by another.

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API marked with this annotation is internal, and it is not intended to be used outside Ktor. It could be modified or removed without any notice. Using it outside Ktor could cause undefined behaviour and/or any unexpected effects.

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API marked with this annotation is experimental and is not guaranteed to be stable.

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API marked with this annotation is intended to become public in the future version. Usually it means that the API can't be public at the moment of development due to compatibility guarantees restrictions.

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class ReaderScope(val channel: ByteReadChannel, val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext) : CoroutineScope
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class WriterScope(val channel: ByteWriteChannel, val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext) : CoroutineScope


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fun ByteChannel.attachJob(job: Job)

Ensures that when the given job is canceled, the ByteChannel is canceled with the same exception.

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fun ByteReadChannel(source: Source): ByteReadChannel
fun ByteReadChannel(text: String, charset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8): ByteReadChannel

fun ByteReadChannel(content: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = content.size): ByteReadChannel

Creates a channel for reading from the specified byte array. Please note that it could use content directly or copy its bytes depending on the platform

Creates a channel for reading from the specified byte buffer.

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fun ByteString(buffer: ByteBuffer): ByteString
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suspend fun ByteReadChannel.copyTo(channel: ByteWriteChannel, limit: Long): Long
suspend fun ByteReadChannel.copyTo(channel: WritableByteChannel, limit: Long = Long.MAX_VALUE): Long

Copy up to limit bytes to blocking NIO channel. Copying to a non-blocking channel requires selection and not supported. It is suspended if no data are available in a byte channel but may block if destination NIO channel blocks.

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suspend fun ByteReadChannel.discard(max: Long = Long.MAX_VALUE): Long
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suspend fun ByteReadChannel.discardExact(value: Long)
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Suspends the channel until it is exhausted or gets closed. If the read buffer is empty, it suspends until there are bytes available in the channel. Once the channel is exhausted or closed, this function returns.

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suspend fun ChannelJob.join()
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suspend fun ByteReadChannel.lookAhead(block: suspend LookAheadSuspendSession.() -> Unit)
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inline suspend fun block: suspend (ByteArray, Int, Int) -> Int): Int
inline suspend fun Int = 1, noinline consumer: (ByteBuffer) -> Unit)

Invokes consumer when it will be possible to read at least min bytes providing byte buffer to it so lambda can read from the buffer up to ByteBuffer.remaining bytes. If there are no min bytes available then the invocation could suspend until the requirement will be met.

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fun ByteReadChannel.readAvailable(min: Int, block: (Buffer) -> Int): Int

Invokes block if it is possible to read at least min byte providing buffer to it so lambda can read from the buffer up to Buffer.readRemaining bytes. If there are no min bytes available then the invocation returns -1.

suspend fun ByteReadChannel.readAvailable(buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = buffer.size - offset): Int

Reads all available bytes to dst buffer and returns immediately or suspends if no bytes available

Reads bytes from the channel and writes them to the buffer up to its limit. If the channel's read buffer is exhausted, it suspends until there are bytes available.

Invokes block if it is possible to read at least min byte providing byte buffer to it so lambda can read from the buffer up to ByteBuffer.available bytes. If there are no min bytes available then the invocation returns 0.

suspend fun ByteReadChannel.readAvailable(dst: CPointer<ByteVar>, offset: Int, length: Int): Int

Reads all available bytes to dst buffer and returns immediately or suspends if no bytes available

fun Input.readAvailable(cPointer: CPointer<ByteVar>, offset: Int, length: Int): Int
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suspend fun ByteReadChannel.readBuffer(): Buffer
suspend fun ByteReadChannel.readBuffer(max: Int): Buffer
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fun CoroutineScope.reader(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, channel: ByteChannel, block: suspend ReaderScope.() -> Unit): ReaderJob
fun CoroutineScope.reader(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, autoFlush: Boolean = false, block: suspend ReaderScope.() -> Unit): ReaderJob
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Reads all length bytes to dst buffer or fails if channel has been closed. Suspends if not enough bytes available.

suspend fun ByteReadChannel.readFully(buffer: ByteBuffer)
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suspend fun ByteReadChannel.readInt(): Int
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suspend fun ByteReadChannel.readPacket(packet: Int): Source

Reads a packet of packet bytes from the channel.

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suspend fun ByteReadChannel.readRemaining(): Source
suspend fun ByteReadChannel.readRemaining(max: Long): Source
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fun Source.readText(): String
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suspend fun ByteReadChannel.readUntilDelimiter(delimiter: ByteString, out: ByteBuffer): Int
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suspend fun ByteReadChannel.readUTF8LineTo(out: Appendable, max: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE): Boolean

Reads a line of UTF-8 characters to the specified out buffer. It recognizes CR, LF and CRLF as a line delimiter.

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fun Sink.release()
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suspend fun ByteReadChannel.skipDelimiter(delimiter: ByteBuffer)
suspend fun ByteReadChannel.skipDelimiter(delimiter: ByteString)
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suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.write(desiredSpace: Int = 1, block: (ByteArray, Int, Int) -> Int): Int

Await for desiredSpace will be available for write and invoke block function providing Memory instance and the corresponding range suitable for wiring in the memory. The block function should return number of bytes were written, possibly 0.

suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.write(min: Int = 1, block: (buffer: ByteBuffer) -> Unit)
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Invokes block if it is possible to write at least min byte providing byte buffer to it so lambda can write to the buffer up to ByteBuffer.remaining bytes. If there are no min bytes spaces available then the invocation returns 0.

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suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeBuffer(value: Source)
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suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeByte(value: Byte)
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suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeFully(value: ByteArray, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = value.size)
suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeFully(value: CPointer<ByteVar>, offset: Int, length: Int)
suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeFully(src: CPointer<ByteVar>, offset: Long, length: Long)
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suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeInt(value: Int)
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suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeLong(value: Long)
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suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writePacket(copy: Buffer)
suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writePacket(copy: Source)
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fun CoroutineScope.writer(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, channel: ByteChannel, block: suspend WriterScope.() -> Unit): WriterJob
fun CoroutineScope.writer(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, autoFlush: Boolean = false, block: suspend WriterScope.() -> Unit): WriterJob
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suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeShort(value: Short)
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suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeSource(source: Source)
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suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeString(value: String)
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