
class TestApplicationEngine(environment: ApplicationEnvironment = createTestEnvironment(), monitor: Events, developmentMode: Boolean = true, applicationProvider: () -> Application, configuration: TestApplicationEngine.Configuration) : BaseApplicationEngine, CoroutineScope

A test engine that provides a way to simulate application calls to the existing application module(s) without actual HTTP connection.


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constructor(environment: ApplicationEnvironment = createTestEnvironment(), monitor: Events, developmentMode: Boolean = true, applicationProvider: () -> Application, configuration: TestApplicationEngine.Configuration)


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An engine configuration for a test application.


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An instance of a client engine to be used in client.

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Keeps cookies between requests inside the callback.

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fun createCall(readResponse: Boolean = false, closeRequest: Boolean = true, context: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.IOBridge, setup: TestApplicationRequest.() -> Unit): TestApplicationCall

Creates an instance of a test call but doesn't start request processing.

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fun handleRequest(closeRequest: Boolean = true, setup: TestApplicationRequest.() -> Unit): TestApplicationCall

Makes a test request.

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Makes a test request.

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Makes a test request that sets up a websocket session and waits for completion.

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fun TestApplicationEngine.handleWebSocketConversation(uri: String, setup: TestApplicationRequest.() -> Unit = {}, awaitCallback: Boolean = true, callback: suspend TestApplicationCall.(incoming: ReceiveChannel<Frame>, outgoing: SendChannel<Frame>) -> Unit): TestApplicationCall

Makes a test request that sets up a WebSocket session and invokes the callback function that handles conversation with the server

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fun hookRequests(processRequest: TestApplicationRequest.(setup: TestApplicationRequest.() -> Unit) -> Unit, processResponse: TestApplicationCall.() -> Unit, block: () -> Unit)

Installs a hook for test requests.

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open suspend override fun resolvedConnectors(): List<EngineConnectorConfig>
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open override fun start(wait: Boolean): ApplicationEngine
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open override fun stop(gracePeriodMillis: Long, timeoutMillis: Long)