
A plugin that enables the client to retry failed requests. The default retry policy is 3 retries with exponential delay. Typical usages:

// use predefined retry policies
install(HttpRequestRetry) {
     retryOnServerErrors(maxRetries = 3)

// use custom policies
install(HttpRequestRetry) {
     maxRetries = 5
     retryIf { request, response -> !response.status.isSuccess() }
     retryOnExceptionIf { request, cause -> cause is NetworkError }
     delayMillis { retry -> retry * 3000 } // will retry in 3, 6, 9, etc. seconds
     modifyRequest { it.headers.append("X_RETRY_COUNT", retryCount.toString()) }


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Contains HttpRequestRetry configurations settings.

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A context for HttpRequestRetry.Configuration.delayMillis. Contains a non-null response or cause but not both.

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A context for HttpRequestRetry.Configuration.modifyRequest. Contains a non-null response or cause but not both.

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Data for the HttpRequestRetryEvent event. Contains a non-null response or cause but not both.