Package-level declarations
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class VelocityContent( val template: String, val model: Map<String, Any>, val etag: String? = null, val contentType: ContentType = ContentType.Text.Html.withCharset(Charsets.UTF_8))
A response content handled by the io.ktor.server.velocity.Velocity plugin.
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suspend fun ApplicationCall.respondTemplate( template: String, model: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap(), etag: String? = null, contentType: ContentType = ContentType.Text.Html.withCharset(Charsets.UTF_8))
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A plugin that allows you to use Velocity templates as views within your application. Provides the ability to respond with VelocityContent. You can learn more from Velocity.
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A plugin that allows you to add standard and custom Velocity tools. You can learn more from Velocity.