
data class CipherSuite(val code: Short, val name: String, val openSSLName: String, val exchangeType: SecretExchangeType, val jdkCipherName: String, val keyStrength: Int, val fixedIvLength: Int, val ivLength: Int, val cipherTagSizeInBytes: Int, val macName: String, val macStrength: Int, val hash: HashAlgorithm, val signatureAlgorithm: SignatureAlgorithm, val cipherType: CipherType = CipherType.GCM)

Represents a TLS cipher suite


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fun CipherSuite(code: Short, name: String, openSSLName: String, exchangeType: SecretExchangeType, jdkCipherName: String, keyStrength: Int, fixedIvLength: Int, ivLength: Int, cipherTagSizeInBytes: Int, macName: String, macStrength: Int, hash: HashAlgorithm, signatureAlgorithm: SignatureAlgorithm, cipherType: CipherType = CipherType.GCM)


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tag size in bytes

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type of cipher to use

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val code: Short

numeric cipher suite code

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secret exchange type (ECDHE or RSA)

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fixed input vector length in bytes

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input vector length in bytes

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for this suite that is used in JDK

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in bits

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key strength in bytes ( = [keyStrength] / 8)

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message authentication algorithm name

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message authentication algorithm strength in bits

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message authentication algorithm strength in bytes ( = [macStrength] / 8)

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cipher suite name

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for this suite that is used in openssl

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