ktor
2.2.4
3.0.3
3.0.2
3.0.0
2.3.12
2.2.4
2.0.3
1.6.8
jvm
ktor-client-android
io.
ktor.
client.
engine.
android
Android
Android
Client
Engine
Android
Engine
Config
Android
Engine
Container
ktor-client-apache
io.
ktor.
client.
engine.
apache
Apache
Apache
Engine
Config
Apache
Engine
Container
ktor-client-cio
io.
ktor.
client.
engine.
cio
CIOEngine
Config
CIOEngine
Container
Client
Closed
Exception
endpoint()
Endpoint
Config
Fail
To
Connect
Exception
io.
ktor.
client.
plugins.
websocket.
cio
web
Socket
Raw()
web
Socket
Raw
Session()
ws
Raw()
wss
Raw()
ktor-client-core
io.
ktor.
client
Http
Client
Http
Client()
Http
Client
Config
Http
Client
Engine
Container
io.
ktor.
client.
call
body()
Double
Receive
Exception
Http
Client
Call
Companion
No
Transformation
Found
Exception
receive()
Receive
Pipeline
Exception
save()
Unsupported
Content
Type
Exception
Unsupported
Upgrade
Protocol
Exception
io.
ktor.
client.
content
Local
File
Content
Local
File
Content()
io.
ktor.
client.
engine
call
Context()
Client
Engine
Closed
Exception
config()
engines
http()
Http
Client
Engine
Http
Client
Engine
Base
Http
Client
Engine
Capability
Http
Client
Engine
Config
Http
Client
Engine
Factory
Http
Client
Jvm
Engine
merge
Headers()
Proxy
Builder
Proxy
Config
Proxy
Type
resolve
Address()
type
io.
ktor.
client.
engine.
js
Js
Js
Client()
Js
Error
io.
ktor.
client.
fetch
Abort
Controller
Abort
Signal
Add
Event
Listener
Options
Array
Buffer
Array
Buffer
Constructor
Array
Buffer
View
Array
Like
Blob
Body
Event
Event
Listener
Event
Listener
Object
Event
Listener
Options
Event
Target
fetch()
Form
Data
get()
Headers
invoke()
Pipe
Options
Readable
Stream
Readable
Stream
BYOBReader
Readable
Stream
Default
Reader
Readable
Stream
Read
Result
Request
Request
Init
Response
set()
Uint8Array
Uint8Array
Constructor
Writable
Stream
Writable
Stream
Default
Writer
io.
ktor.
client.
network.
sockets
Connect
Timeout
Exception
map
Engine
Exceptions()
Socket
Timeout
Exception
io.
ktor.
client.
plugins
add
Default
Response
Validation()
Body
Progress
Plugin
Browser
User
Agent()
Charsets()
Client
Request
Exception
Connect
Timeout
Exception()
convert
Long
Timeout
To
Int
With
Infinite
As
Zero()
convert
Long
Timeout
To
Long
With
Infinite
As
Zero()
Curl
User
Agent()
Data
Conversion
Default
Request
Default
Request
Builder
Plugin
default
Request()
default
Transformers()
expect
Success
Http
Call
Validator
Companion
Config
Http
Client
Plugin
Http
Plain
Text
Config
Plugin
Http
Redirect
Config
Plugin
Http
Request
Retry
Configuration
Delay
Context
Modify
Request
Context
Plugin
Retry
Event
Data
Should
Retry
Context
Http
Request
Timeout
Exception
Http
Response
Validator()
Http
Send
Config
Plugin
Http
Timeout
Http
Timeout
Capability
Configuration
Companion
Plugin
on
Download()
on
Upload()
plugin()
plugin
Or
Null()
Redirect
Response
Exception
Response
Exception
retry()
Send
Count
Exceed
Exception
Sender
Server
Response
Exception
Socket
Timeout
Exception()
timeout()
User
Agent
Config
Plugin
io.
ktor.
client.
plugins.
api
Client
Hook
Client
Plugin
Client
Plugin
Builder
Client
Plugin
Instance
create
Client
Plugin()
Monitoring
Event
On
Request
Context
On
Response
Context
Send
Sender
Sending
Request
Setup
Request
Transform
Request
Body
Context
Transform
Response
Body
Context
io.
ktor.
client.
plugins.
cache
Http
Cache
Companion
Config
Http
Cache
Entry
Invalid
Cache
State
Exception
io.
ktor.
client.
plugins.
cache.
storage
Cached
Response
Data
Cache
Storage
Companion
File
Storage()
Http
Cache
Storage
Companion
store()
io.
ktor.
client.
plugins.
cookies
Accept
All
Cookies
Storage
add
Cookie()
Constant
Cookies
Storage
cookies()
Cookies
Storage
get()
Http
Cookies
Companion
Config
io.
ktor.
client.
plugins.
observer
Response
Observer
Config
Plugin
Response
Observer()
wrap
With
Content()
io.
ktor.
client.
plugins.
websocket
Client
Web
Socket
Session
converter
Default
Client
Web
Socket
Session
receive
Deserialized()
send
Serialized()
web
Socket()
Web
Socket
Capability
Web
Socket
Exception
Web
Socket
Extensions
Capability
Web
Sockets
Config
Plugin
Web
Sockets()
web
Socket
Session()
ws()
wss()
io.
ktor.
client.
request
accept()
basic
Auth()
bearer
Auth()
Client
Upgrade
Content
cookie()
Default
Http
Request
delete()
get()
head()
header()
headers()
host
Http
Request
Http
Request
Builder
Companion
Http
Request
Data
Http
Request
Pipeline
Phases
Http
Response
Data
Http
Send
Pipeline
Phases
invoke()
is
Upgrade
Request()
options()
parameter()
patch()
port
post()
prepare
Delete()
prepare
Get()
prepare
Head()
prepare
Options()
prepare
Patch()
prepare
Post()
prepare
Put()
prepare
Request()
put()
request()
set
Body()
take
From()
url()
io.
ktor.
client.
request.
forms
append()
Channel
Provider
Form
Builder
form
Data()
Form
Data
Content
Form
Part
Input
Provider
Multi
Part
Form
Data
Content
prepare
Form()
prepare
Form
With
Binary
Data()
submit
Form()
submit
Form
With
Binary
Data()
io.
ktor.
client.
statement
body
As
Channel()
body
As
Text()
Default
Http
Response
discard
Remaining()
Http
Receive
Pipeline
Phases
Http
Response
Http
Response
Container
Http
Response
Pipeline
Phases
Http
Statement
read
Bytes()
read
Text()
receive()
request
io.
ktor.
client.
utils
build
Headers()
Byte
Buffer
Pool
Cache
Control
client
Dispatcher()
Empty
Content
Http
Client
Default
Pool
Http
Request
Created
Http
Request
Is
Ready
For
Sending
Http
Response
Cancelled
Http
Response
Received
Http
Response
Receive
Fail
Http
Response
Receive
Failed
unwrap
Cancellation
Exception()
wrap
Headers()
ktor-client-curl
io.
ktor.
client.
engine.
curl
Curl
Curl
Client
Engine
Config
Curl
Illegal
State
Exception
Curl
Runtime
Exception
ktor-client-darwin
io.
ktor.
client.
engine.
darwin
Darwin
Darwin
Client
Engine
Config
Darwin
Http
Request
Exception
Ktor
NSURLSession
Delegate
Ktor
NSURLSession
Delegate()
io.
ktor.
client.
engine.
darwin.
certificates
Certificate
Pinner
Builder
Pinned
Certificate
Companion
io.
ktor.
client.
engine.
ios
io.
ktor.
client.
engine.
ios.
certificates
ktor-client-darwin-legacy
io.
ktor.
client.
engine.
darwin
Darwin
Http
Request
Exception
Darwin
Legacy
Darwin
Legacy
Client
Engine
Config
Ktor
Legacy
NSURLSession
Delegate
Ktor
Legacy
NSURLSession
Delegate()
io.
ktor.
client.
engine.
darwin.
certificates
Legacy
Certificate
Pinner
Builder
Legacy
Pinned
Certificate
Companion
ktor-client-java
io.
ktor.
client.
engine.
java
Java
Java
Http
Config
Java
Http
Engine
Java
Http
Engine
Container
ktor-client-jetty
io.
ktor.
client.
engine.
jetty
Jetty
Jetty
Engine
Config
Jetty
Engine
Container
ktor-client-mock
io.
ktor.
client.
engine.
mock
Mock
Engine
Companion
Mock
Engine
Config
Mock
Request
Handle
Scope
respond()
respond
Bad
Request()
respond
Error()
respond
Ok()
respond
Redirect()
to
Byte
Array()
to
Byte
Read
Packet()
ktor-client-okhttp
io.
ktor.
client.
engine.
okhttp
Ok
Http
Ok
Http
Config
Ok
Http
Engine
Ok
Http
Engine
Container
Unsupported
Frame
Type
Exception
ktor-client-auth
io.
ktor.
client.
plugins.
auth
Auth
Plugin
Auth()
Auth
Provider
io.
ktor.
client.
plugins.
auth.
providers
basic()
Basic
Auth
Config
Basic
Auth
Credentials
Basic
Auth
Provider
bearer()
Bearer
Auth
Config
Bearer
Auth
Provider
Bearer
Tokens
digest()
Digest
Auth
Config
Digest
Auth
Credentials
Digest
Auth
Provider
Refresh
Tokens
Params
ktor-client-content-negotiation
io.
ktor.
client.
plugins.
contentnegotiation
Content
Converter
Exception
Content
Negotiation
Config
Plugin
Json
Content
Type
Matcher
ktor-client-content-negotiation-tests
io.
ktor.
client.
plugins.
contentnegotiation.
tests
Abstract
Client
Content
Negotiation
Test
Response
Test
Sealed
User
Widget
Json
Content
Negotiation
Test
Wrapper
Json
Websockets
Test
User
ktor-client-encoding
io.
ktor.
client.
plugins.
compression
Content
Encoder
Content
Encoding
Companion
Config
Content
Encoding()
Unsupported
Content
Encoding
Exception
ktor-client-json
io.
ktor.
client.
plugins.
json
default
Serializer()
Json()
Json
Plugin
Config
Plugin
Json
Serializer
serializers
serializers
Store
ktor-client-gson
io.
ktor.
client.
plugins.
gson
Gson
Serializer
ktor-client-jackson
io.
ktor.
client.
plugins.
jackson
Jackson
Serializer
ktor-client-json-tests
io.
ktor.
client.
plugins.
json.
tests
Json
Test
Response
User
Widget
ktor-client-serialization
[root]
initializer
Serializer
Initializer
io.
ktor.
client.
plugins.
kotlinx.
serializer
Kotlinx
Serializer
Companion
ktor-client-logging
io.
ktor.
client.
plugins.
logging
Logger
Companion
Logging
Companion
Config
Logging()
Log
Level
Message
Length
Limiting
Logger
ktor-client-resources
io.
ktor.
client.
plugins.
resources
delete()
get()
head()
href()
options()
patch()
post()
prepare
Delete()
prepare
Get()
prepare
Head()
prepare
Options()
prepare
Patch()
prepare
Post()
prepare
Put()
prepare
Request()
put()
request()
Resources
ktor-client-tests
io.
ktor.
client.
tests
Http
Client
Test
Ssl
Over
Proxy
Test
io.
ktor.
client.
tests.
utils
after()
assert
Fails
And
Contains
Cause()
assert
Fails
With()
Client
Loader
Companion
config()
make
Array()
make
String()
test()
Test
Client
Builder
Test
Info
test
With
Engine()
Test
With
Ktor
ktor-client-winhttp
io.
ktor.
client.
engine.
winhttp
Win
Http
Win
Http
Client
Engine
Config
Win
Http
Security
Protocol
Default
Tls10
Tls11
Tls12
Tls13
ktor-http
io.
ktor.
content
io.
ktor.
http
append()
append
Encoded
Path
Segments()
append
Path
Segments()
append
Url
Full
Path()
authority
Bad
Content
Type
Format
Exception
Cache
Control
Max
Age
No
Cache
No
Store
Visibility
Public
Private
cache
Control()
charset()
clone()
Content
Disposition
Companion
Parameters
content
Length()
Content
Range
Bounded
Suffix
Tail
From
content
Range
Header
Value()
Content
Type
Application
Audio
Companion
Image
Message
Multi
Part
Text
Video
content
Type()
Content
Type
Matcher
Cookie
Cookie
Encoding
cookies()
copy()
date()
decode
Cookie
Value()
decode
URLPart()
decode
URLQuery
Component()
default
For
File()
default
For
File
Extension()
default
For
File
Path()
Empty
Headers
encode
Cookie
Value()
encoded
Path
encode
OAuth()
encode
URLParameter()
encode
URLPath()
encode
Part()
encode
URLQuery
Component()
escape
If
Needed()
etag()
Exception
Failed
expires()
file
Extensions()
form
Url
Encode()
form
Url
Encode
To()
from
Cookie
To
Gmt
Date()
from
File
Extension()
from
File
Path()
from
Http
To
Gmt
Date()
full
Path
Headers
Companion
Headers
Builder
Headers
Impl
headers
Of()
Headers
Single
Impl
Header
Value
Header
Value
Param
Header
Value
With
Parameters
Companion
host
Is
Ip()
host
With
Port
Http
Headers
Http
Message
Http
Message
Builder
Http
Method
Companion
Http
Protocol
Version
Companion
Http
Status
Code
Companion
if
Modified
Since()
if
None
Match()
Illegal
Header
Name
Exception
Illegal
Header
Value
Exception
invoke()
is
Absolute
Path
is
Relative
Path
is
Secure()
is
Success()
is
Websocket()
last
Modified()
Link
Header
Parameters
Rel
max
Age()
origin
Parameters
Companion
Parameters
Builder
Parameters
Builder()
Parameters
Builder
Impl
Parameters
Impl
parameters
Of()
Parameters
Single
Impl
parse
And
Sort
Content
Type
Header()
parse
And
Sort
Header()
parse
Client
Cookies
Header()
parse
Header
Value()
parse
Query
String()
parse
Ranges
Specifier()
parse
Server
Set
Cookie
Header()
parse
Url
Encoded
Parameters()
path()
path
Components()
plus()
protocol
With
Authority
quote()
Ranges
Specifier
Range
Units
Bytes
None
render
Cookie
Header()
render
Set
Cookie
Header()
Request
Connection
Point
set()
set
Cookie()
take
From()
to
Header
Params
List()
to
Http
Date()
to
Unsafe
Header
Exception
Url
Companion
Url()
URLBuilder
Companion
URLBuilder()
URLDecode
Exception
URLParser
Exception
URLProtocol
Companion
user
Agent()
vary()
with
Charset()
with
Charset
If
Needed()
io.
ktor.
http.
auth
Auth
Scheme
Header
Value
Encoding
Http
Auth
Header
Companion
Parameterized
Parameters
Single
parse
Authorization
Header()
parse
Authorization
Headers()
io.
ktor.
http.
content
Byte
Array
Content
caching
Caching
Options
Caching
Property
Channel
Writer
Content
Entity
Tag
Version
Companion
Entity
Tag
Version()
for
Each
Part()
Last
Modified
Version
Last
Modified
Version()
Multi
Part
Data
Empty
Null
Body
Outgoing
Content
Byte
Array
Content
No
Content
Protocol
Upgrade
Read
Channel
Content
Write
Channel
Content
Output
Stream
Content
Part
Data
Binary
Channel
Item
Binary
Item
File
Item
Form
Item
read
All
Parts()
stream
Provider
Text
Content
Content
Version
Version
Check
Result
Version
List
Property
versions
Writer
Content
io.
ktor.
http.
parsing
Parse
Exception
io.
ktor.
http.
websocket
websocket
Server
Accept()
ktor-http-cio
io.
ktor.
http.
cio
boundary()
CIOHeaders
CIOMultipart
Data
Base
Connection
Options
Companion
decode
Chunked()
encode
Chunked()
expect
Http
Body()
expect
Http
Upgrade()
expect
Multipart()
Http
Headers
Map
Http
Message
Multipart
Event
Epilogue
Multipart
Part
Preamble
parse
Boundary()
parse
Headers()
parse
Http
Body()
parse
Multipart()
parse
Part()
parse
Part
Body()
parse
Part
Headers()
parse
Preamble()
parse
Request()
parse
Response()
Parser
Exception
Request
Request
Response
Builder
Response
io.
ktor.
http.
cio.
internals
Mutable
Range
parse
Dec
Long()
ktor-io
io.
ktor.
utils.
io
Byte
Channel
Byte
Channel()
Byte
Channel
Sequential
Base
Byte
Channel
Sequential
Byte
Read
Channel
Companion
Byte
Read
Channel()
Byte
Write
Channel
cancel()
close()
Closed
Write
Channel
Exception
consume
Each
Buffer
Range()
consume
Each
Remaining()
copy
And
Close()
copy
To()
discard()
discard
Exact()
join
To()
Look
Ahead
Session
Look
Ahead
Suspend
Session
print
Stack()
read()
read
Available()
read
Double()
read
Double
Little
Endian()
reader()
Reader
Job
Reader
Scope
read
Float()
read
Float
Little
Endian()
read
Fully()
read
Int()
read
Int
Little
Endian()
read
Long()
read
Long
Little
Endian()
read
Remaining()
Read
Session
read
Short()
read
Short
Little
Endian()
read
Until
Delimiter()
read
UTF8Line()
read
UTF8Line
To()
skip
Delimiter()
Suspendable
Read
Session
try
Copy
Exception()
write()
write
Available()
write
Boolean()
write
Byte()
write
Char()
write
Double()
write
Double
Little
Endian()
write
Float()
write
Float
Little
Endian()
write
Fully()
write
Int()
write
Int
Little
Endian()
write
Long()
write
Long
Little
Endian()
write
Packet()
write
Packet
Suspend()
writer()
Writer
Job
Writer
Scope
Writer
Session
Writer
Suspend
Session
write
Short()
write
Short
Little
Endian()
write
String
Utf8()
io.
ktor.
utils.
io.
bits
[js]of()
[jvm]of()
Allocator
alloc
Memory()
copy
To()
fill()
free()
get()
high
Byte
high
Int
high
Short
load
Byte
Array()
load
Double
Array()
load
Double
At()
load
Float
Array()
load
Float
At()
load
Int
Array()
load
Int
At()
load
Long
Array()
load
Long
At()
load
Short
Array()
load
Short
At()
load
UByte
Array()
load
UInt
Array()
load
UInt
At()
load
ULong
Array()
load
ULong
At()
load
UShort
Array()
load
UShort
At()
low
Byte
low
Int
low
Short
Memory
Companion
of()
reverse
Byte
Order()
set()
store
At()
store
Byte
Array()
store
Double
Array()
store
Double
At()
store
Float
Array()
store
Float
At()
store
Int
Array()
store
Int
At()
store
Long
Array()
store
Long
At()
store
Short
Array()
store
Short
At()
store
UByte
Array()
store
UInt
Array()
store
UInt
At()
store
ULong
Array()
store
ULong
At()
store
UShort
Array()
store
UShort
At()
use
Memory()
with
Memory()
io.
ktor.
utils.
io.
charsets
Charset
Companion
charset
Charset
Decoder
Charset
Encoder
Charsets
decode()
decode
Exact
Bytes()
decode
decode
UTF8Line()
encode()
encode
To
Byte
Array()
encode
To
Byte
Array
Impl()
encode
UTF8()
Malformed
Input
Exception
name
Too
Long
Line
Exception
io.
ktor.
utils.
io.
concurrent
shared()
shared
Lazy()
thread
Local()
io.
ktor.
utils.
io.
core
append()
Buffer
Companion
Buffer
Limit
Exceeded
Exception
build
Packet()
Byte
Order
Companion
Byte
Packet
Builder
Byte
Read
Packet
Companion
Byte
Read
Packet()
can
Read()
can
Write()
check
Indices()
Chunk
Buffer()
Closeable
copy
To()
Default
Buffer
Pool
discard()
discard
Exact()
discard
Until
Delimiter()
discard
Until
Delimiters()
EOFException
fill()
flush()
for
Each()
Input
Companion
Insufficient
Space
Exception
is
Empty
is
Not
Empty
make
View()
Output
peek
Char
Utf8()
preview()
push
Back()
read()
read
Available()
read
Available
Little
Endian()
read
Byte
Buffer()
read
Bytes()
read
Bytes
Of()
read
Direct()
read
Direct
Int8Array()
read
Double()
read
Double
Fallback()
read
Double
Little
Endian()
read
Float()
read
Float
Fallback()
read
Float
Little
Endian()
read
Fully()
read
Fully
Little
Endian()
read
Int()
read
Int
Little
Endian()
read
Long()
read
Long
Little
Endian()
read
Short()
read
Short
Little
Endian()
read
Text()
read
Text
Exact()
read
Text
Exact
Bytes()
read
Text
Exact
Characters()
read
UByte()
read
UInt()
read
ULong()
read
Until
Delimiter()
read
Until
Delimiters()
read
UShort()
read
UTF8Line()
read
UTF8Line
To()
read
UTF8Until
Delimiter()
read
UTF8Until
Delimiter
To()
reset()
String()
take
While()
to
Byte
Array()
try
Peek()
use()
with
Buffer()
write()
write
Byte
Buffer
Direct()
write
Direct()
write
Direct
Int8Array()
write
Double()
write
Double
Little
Endian()
write
Float()
write
Float
Little
Endian()
write
Fully()
write
Fully
Little
Endian()
write
Int()
write
Int
Little
Endian()
write
Long()
write
Long
Little
Endian()
write
Short()
write
Short
Little
Endian()
write
Text()
write
UByte()
write
UInt()
write
ULong()
write
UShort()
io.
ktor.
utils.
io.
core.
internal
Chunk
Buffer
Companion
Dangerous
Internal
Io
Api
Malformed
UTF8Input
Exception
io.
ktor.
utils.
io.
errors
EOFException
IOException
Posix
Exception
Address
Already
In
Use
Exception
Bad
File
Descriptor
Exception
Bad
Message
Exception
Companion
Connection
Aborted
Exception
Connection
Refused
Exception
Connection
Reset
Exception
Interrupted
Exception
Invalid
Argument
Exception
No
Memory
Exception
No
Such
File
Exception
Not
Connected
Exception
Not
Socket
Exception
Overflow
Exception
Posix
Errno
Exception
Timeout
IOException
Try
Again
Exception
io.
ktor.
utils.
io.
js
packet()
read
Array
Buffer()
read
Text()
response
Packet()
send
Packet()
write
Fully()
io.
ktor.
utils.
io.
jvm.
javaio
copy
To()
to
Byte
Read
Channel()
to
Input
Stream()
to
Output
Stream()
io.
ktor.
utils.
io.
jvm.
nio
copy
To()
io.
ktor.
utils.
io.
nio
as
Input()
as
Output()
read()
read
Packet
At
Least()
read
Packet
At
Most()
read
Packet
Exact()
write()
write
Packet()
io.
ktor.
utils.
io.
pool
Byte
Array
Pool
Byte
Buffer
Pool
Default
Pool
Companion
Direct
Byte
Buffer
Pool
No
Pool
Impl
Object
Pool
Single
Instance
Pool
use
Borrowed()
use
Instance()
io.
ktor.
utils.
io.
streams
as
Input()
as
Output()
input
Stream()
output
Stream()
reader
UTF8()
read
Packet
At
Least()
read
Packet
At
Most()
read
Packet
Exact()
write
Packet()
writer
UTF8()
ktor-network
io.
ktor.
network.
selector
Actor
Selector
Manager
build
Or
Close()
Closed
Channel
Cancellation
Exception
Interest
Suspensions
Map
Companion
Selectable
Select
Interest
Companion
Selector
Manager
Companion
Selector
Manager()
Selector
Manager
Support
Closed
Selector
Cancellation
Exception
Socket
Error
io.
ktor.
network.
sockets
ABound
Socket
Acceptable
AConnected
Socket
AReadable
ASocket
a
Socket()
await
Closed()
AWritable
Bound
Datagram
Socket
Configurable
connect()
Connected
Datagram
Socket
Connection
connection()
Datagram
Datagram
Read
Channel
Datagram
Read
Write
Channel
Datagram
Write
Channel
Inet
Socket
Address
is
Closed
open
Read
Channel()
open
Write
Channel()
Read
Write
Socket
Server
Socket
Socket
Socket
Address
Socket
Builder
Socket
Options
Acceptor
Options
Companion
Peer
Socket
Options
TCPClient
Socket
Options
UDPSocket
Options
Socket
Timeout
Exception
tcp
No
Delay()
Tcp
Socket
Builder
to
Java
Address()
Type
Of
Service
Companion
UDPSocket
Builder
Companion
Unix
Socket
Address
io.
ktor.
network.
util
Default
Byte
Buffer
Pool
Default
Datagram
Byte
Buffer
Pool
Default
Datagram
Chunk
Buffer
Pool
ktor-network-tls
io.
ktor.
network.
tls
add
Certificate
Chain()
add
Key
Store()
Certificate
And
Key
CIOCipher
Suites
Cipher
Suite
Cipher
Type
keys
Generation
Algorithm()
No
Private
Key
Exception
Companion
Secret
Exchange
Type
Server
Key
Exchange
Type
Companion
Explicit
Prime
Explicit
Char
Named
Curve
take
From()
tls()
TLSAlert
Level
Companion
TLSAlert
Type
Companion
Decryption
Close
Notify
Unexpected
Message
Bad
Record
Mac
Record
Overflow
Decompression
Failure
Handshake
Failure
No
Certificate_RESERVED
Bad
Certificate
Unsupported
Certificate
Certificate
Revoked
Certificate
Expired
Certificate
Unknown
Illegal
Parameter
Unknown
Ca
Access
Denied
Decode
Error
Decrypt
Error
Export
Restriction_RESERVED
Protocol
Version
Insufficient
Security
Internal
Error
User
Canceled
No
Renegotiation
Unsupported
Extension
TLSConfig
TLSConfig
Builder
TLSHandshake
Type
Companion
Hello
Request
Client
Hello
Server
Hello
Certificate
Server
Key
Exchange
Certificate
Request
Server
Done
Certificate
Verify
Client
Key
Exchange
Finished
TLSRecord
Type
Companion
Change
Cipher
Spec
Alert
Handshake
Application
Data
TLSVersion
Companion
io.
ktor.
network.
tls.
extensions
by
Code()
Hash
Algorithm
Companion
SHA224
SHA256
SHA384
SHA512
Hash
And
Sign
Companion
Named
Curve
Companion
sect163k1
sect163r1
sect163r2
sect193r1
sect193r2
sect233k1
sect233r1
sect239k1
sect283k1
sect283r1
sect409k1
sect409r1
sect571k1
sect571r1
secp160k1
secp160r1
secp160r2
secp192k1
secp192r1
secp224k1
secp224r1
secp256k1
secp256r1
secp384r1
secp521r1
Point
Format
Signature
Algorithm
Companion
ED25519
ED448
Supported
Named
Curves
Supported
Point
Formats
Supported
Signature
Algorithms
TLSExtension
Type
Companion
ktor-network-tls-certificates
io.
ktor.
network.
tls.
certificates
build
Key
Store()
Certificate
Builder
generate
Certificate()
Key
Store
Builder
Key
Type
Server
Client
save
To
File()
trust
Managers
trust
Store()
ktor-server-cio
io.
ktor.
server.
cio
CIOApplication
Engine
Configuration
Engine
Main
Http
Pipeline
Coroutine
Http
Pipeline
Writer
Coroutine
Http
Server
http
Server()
Http
Server
Settings
Request
Handler
Coroutine
io.
ktor.
server.
cio.
backend
http
Server()
Server
Incoming
Connection
Server
Request
Scope
start
Server
Connection
Pipeline()
io.
ktor.
server.
cio.
internal
Weak
Timeout
Queue
ktor-server-config-yaml
io.
ktor.
server.
config.
yaml
Yaml
Config
Yaml
Config()
Yaml
Config
Loader
ktor-server-core
io.
ktor.
server.
application
Application
application
Application
Call
Application
Call
Pipeline
Application
Phase
Application
Environment
Application
Plugin
Application
Started
Application
Starting
Application
Stopped
Application
Stopping
Application
Stop
Preparing
Base
Application
Plugin
Base
Route
Scoped
Plugin
call
Call
Context
create
Application
Plugin()
create
Route
Scoped
Plugin()
Duplicate
Application
Plugin
Exception
Duplicate
Plugin
Exception
find
Plugin
In
Route()
Hook
host
install()
Invalid
Body
Exception
is
Handled
log
Missing
Application
Plugin
Exception
On
Call
Context
On
Call
Receive
Context
On
Call
Respond
Context
Plugin
plugin()
Plugin
Builder
Plugin
Instance
plugin
Or
Null()
plugin
Registry
port
receive
Type
Route
Scoped
Plugin
Route
Scoped
Plugin
Builder
Server
Ready
Transform
Body
Context
uninstall()
uninstall
All
Plugins()
uninstall
Plugin()
io.
ktor.
server.
application.
hooks
Call
Failed
Call
Setup
Metrics
Monitoring
Event
Receive
Request
Bytes
Response
Body
Ready
For
Send
Context
Response
Sent
io.
ktor.
server.
config
add
Config
Loader()
Application
Config
Application
Config()
Application
Configuration
Exception
Application
Config
Value
Config
Loader
Companion
config
Loaders
Hocon
Application
Config
Hocon
Config
Loader
Map
Application
Config
merge()
merge
With()
try
Get
String()
try
Get
String
List()
with
Fallback()
io.
ktor.
server.
http
from
Http
Date
String()
http
Date
Format
link()
push()
to
Http
Date
String()
io.
ktor.
server.
http.
content
angular()
backbone()
Caching
Options()
Compressed
File
Type
default()
default
Resource()
ember()
file()
files()
Http
Status
Code
Content
ignore
Files()
Jar
File
Content
Last
Modified
Version()
Local
File
Content
Local
File
Content()
pre
Compressed()
react()
resolve
Resource()
resource()
resource
Classpath
Resource()
resources()
single
Page
Application()
SPAConfig
static()
static
Base
Package
static
Root
Folder
Suppression
Attribute
transform
Default
Content()
vue()
io.
ktor.
server.
logging
MDCProvider
mdc
Provider
to
Log
String()
io.
ktor.
server.
plugins
Bad
Request
Exception
Cannot
Transform
Content
To
Type
Exception
Content
Transformation
Exception
Missing
Request
Parameter
Exception
Mutable
Origin
Connection
Point
mutable
Origin
Connection
Point
Mutable
Origin
Connection
Point
Key
Not
Found
Exception
origin
Parameter
Conversion
Exception
Unsupported
Media
Type
Exception
io.
ktor.
server.
request
accept()
accept
Charset()
accept
Charset
Items()
accept
Encoding()
accept
Encoding
Items()
accept
Items()
accept
Language()
accept
Language
Items()
Application
Receive
Pipeline
Phases
Application
Request
authorization()
cache
Control()
content
Charset()
content
Length()
content
Type()
document()
encode
Parameters()
header()
host()
http
Method
http
Version
is
Chunked()
is
Multipart()
location()
path()
port()
query
String()
ranges()
receive()
receive
Channel()
receive
Multipart()
receive
Nullable()
receive
Or
Null()
receive
Parameters()
receive
Stream()
receive
Text()
Request
Already
Consumed
Exception
Request
Cookies
uri
user
Agent()
io.
ktor.
server.
response
append
If
Absent()
Application
Response
Application
Send
Pipeline
Phases
cache
Control()
content
Range()
Default
Response
Push
Builder
default
Text
Content
Type()
etag()
expires()
header()
last
Modified()
respond()
respond
Bytes()
respond
Bytes
Writer()
respond
File()
respond
Nullable()
respond
Output
Stream()
respond
Redirect()
respond
Text()
respond
Text
Writer()
Response
Cookies
Response
Headers
Response
Push
Builder
response
Type
Use
Http2Push
io.
ktor.
server.
routing
accept()
And
Route
Selector
application
Constant
Parameter
Route
Selector
content
Type()
create
Route
From
Path()
delete()
get()
get
All
Routes()
head()
header()
host()
Host
Route
Selector
Companion
Http
Accept
Route
Selector
Http
Header
Route
Selector
Http
Method
Route
Selector
Ignore
Trailing
Slash
local
Port()
Local
Port
Route
Selector
Companion
method()
optional
Param()
Optional
Parameter
Route
Selector
options()
Or
Route
Selector
param()
Parameter
Route
Selector
patch()
Path
Segment
Constant
Route
Selector
Path
Segment
Optional
Parameter
Route
Selector
Path
Segment
Parameter
Route
Selector
Path
Segment
Selector
Builder
Path
Segment
Tailcard
Route
Selector
Path
Segment
Wildcard
Route
Selector
port()
post()
put()
Root
Route
Selector
Route
route()
Route
Selector
Route
Selector
Evaluation
Companion
Failure
Success
Routing
Plugin
routing()
Routing
Application
Call
Routing
Application
Request
Routing
Application
Response
Routing
Failure
Status
Code
Routing
Path
Companion
Routing
Path
Segment
Routing
Path
Segment
Kind
Constant
Parameter
Routing
Resolve
Context
Routing
Resolve
Result
Failure
Success
Routing
Resolve
Trace
Routing
Resolve
Trace
Entry
Trailing
Slash
Route
Selector
io.
ktor.
server.
util
[jvm
And
Nix]get
Or
Fail()
create
From
Call()
get
Value()
Greenwich
Mean
Time
normalize
Path
Components()
to
GMTDate()
to
Local
Date
Time()
to
Zoned
Date
Time()
url()
ktor-server-host-common
io.
ktor.
server.
engine
add
Shutdown
Hook()
Application
Engine
Configuration
Application
Engine
Environment
application
Engine
Environment()
Application
Engine
Environment
Builder
Application
Engine
Environment
Reloading
Companion
Application
Engine
Factory
Base
Application
Call
Base
Application
Engine
Configuration
Base
Application
Request
Base
Application
Response
Body
Length
Is
Too
Long
Body
Length
Is
Too
Small
Companion
Invalid
Header
For
Content
Response
Already
Sent
Exception
command
Line
Environment()
connector()
Connector
Type
Companion
default
Engine
Pipeline()
default
Exception
Status
Code()
Default
Uncaught
Exception
Handler
embedded
Server()
Engine
Connector
Builder
Engine
Connector
Config
Engine
Pipeline
Companion
Engine
SSLConnector
Builder
Engine
SSLConnector
Config
handle
Failure()
install
Default
Transformations()
launch
On
Cancellation()
load
Common
Configuration()
log
Error()
Native
Application
Engine
Environment
Shut
Down
Url
Companion
Config
Engine
Plugin
ssl
Connector()
stop()
stop
Server
On
Cancellation()
with
Port()
io.
ktor.
server.
engine.
internal
Closed
Channel
Exception
ktor-server-jetty
io.
ktor.
server.
jetty
Engine
Main
Jetty
Jetty
Application
Call
Jetty
Application
Engine
Jetty
Application
Engine
Base
Configuration
Jetty
Application
Response
io.
ktor.
server.
jetty.
internal
Jetty
Upgrade
Impl
ktor-server-netty
io.
ktor.
server.
netty
Engine
Main
Event
Loop
Group
Proxy
Companion
Netty
Netty
Application
Call
Netty
Application
Engine
Configuration
Netty
Application
Request
Netty
Application
Request
Headers
Netty
Application
Response
Companion
Netty
Channel
Initializer
Companion
suspend
Await()
suspend
Write
Await()
io.
ktor.
server.
netty.
cio
Netty
Response
Pipeline
Exception
ktor-server-auth
io.
ktor.
server.
auth
authenticate()
Authentication
Companion
authentication
Authentication
Checked
Authentication
Config
Authentication
Context
Companion
Authentication
Failed
Cause
Error
Invalid
Credentials
No
Credentials
Authentication
Interceptors
Authentication
Procedure
Challenge
Authentication
Provider
Config
Authentication
Route
Selector
Authentication
Strategy
Optional
First
Successful
Required
basic()
basic
Authentication
Credentials()
Basic
Authentication
Provider
Config
bearer()
Bearer
Authentication
Provider
Config
Bearer
Token
Credential
create
Obtain
Request
Token
Header()
Credential
digest()
digest
Authentication
Credentials()
Digest
Authentication
Provider
Config
Digest
Credential
Dynamic
Provider
Config
expected
Digest()
Forbidden
Response
form()
Form
Auth
Challenge
Context
Form
Authentication
Provider
Config
oauth()
OAuth1a
Exception
Missing
Token
Exception
Unknown
Exception
OAuth2Exception
Invalid
Grant
Invalid
Nonce
Missing
Access
Token
Unknown
Exception
Unsupported
Grant
Type
OAuth2Request
Parameters
OAuth2Response
Parameters
OAuth
Access
Token
Response
OAuth1a
OAuth2
OAuth
Authentication
Provider
Config
OAuth
Callback
Token
Pair
Token
Single
OAuth
Grant
Types
oauth
Handle
Callback()
OAuth
Key
oauth
Respond
Redirect()
OAuth
Server
Settings
OAuth1a
Server
Settings
OAuth2Server
Settings
OAuth
Version
V10a
V20
parse
Authorization
Header()
Principal
principal()
Route
Authentication
Config
session()
Session
Auth
Challenge
Key
Session
Authentication
Provider
Companion
Config
Session
Challenge
Context
sign()
signature
Base
String()
to
Digest
Credential()
Unauthorized
Response
User
Hashed
Table
Auth
User
Id
Principal
User
Password
Credential
verifier()
verify
With
OAuth2()
ktor-server-auth-jwt
io.
ktor.
server.
auth.
jwt
jwt()
JWTAuthentication
Provider
Config
JWTChallenge
Context
JWTCredential
JWTPayload
Holder
JWTPrincipal
ktor-server-auth-ldap
io.
ktor.
server.
auth.
ldap
ldap
Authenticate()
ktor-server-auto-head-response
io.
ktor.
server.
plugins.
autohead
Auto
Head
Response
ktor-server-caching-headers
io.
ktor.
server.
plugins.
cachingheaders
caching
Caching
Headers
Caching
Headers
Config
ktor-server-call-id
io.
ktor.
server.
plugins.
callid
Call
Id
call
Id
Call
Id
Config
call
Id
Mdc()
generate()
Rejected
Call
Id
Exception
ktor-server-call-logging
io.
ktor.
server.
plugins.
callloging
Call
Logging
Call
Logging
Config
processing
Time
Millis()
ktor-server-compression
io.
ktor.
server.
plugins.
compression
Compression
Compression
Config
Compression
Encoder
Compression
Encoder
Builder
Compression
Encoder
Config
Compression
Options
condition()
Conditions
Holder
Builder
deflate()
Deflate
Encoder
exclude
Content
Type()
gzip()
Gzip
Encoder
identity()
Identity
Encoder
match
Content
Type()
minimum
Size()
ktor-server-conditional-headers
io.
ktor.
server.
plugins.
conditionalheaders
Conditional
Headers
Conditional
Headers
Config
default
Versions
parse
Versions()
versions
For()
with
ETag()
ktor-server-content-negotiation
io.
ktor.
server.
plugins.
contentnegotiation
Content
Negotiation
Content
Negotiation
Config
Content
Type
With
Quality
suitable
Charset()
ktor-server-cors
io.
ktor.
server.
plugins.
cors
CORSConfig
Companion
max
Age
Duration
io.
ktor.
server.
plugins.
cors.
routing
ktor-server-data-conversion
io.
ktor.
server.
plugins.
dataconversion
conversion
Service
Data
Conversion
ktor-server-default-headers
io.
ktor.
server.
plugins.
defaultheaders
Default
Headers
Default
Headers
Config
Clock
ktor-server-double-receive
io.
ktor.
server.
plugins.
doublereceive
Double
Receive
Double
Receive
Config
ktor-server-forwarded-header
io.
ktor.
server.
plugins.
forwardedheaders
Forwarded
Headers
Forwarded
Headers
Config
Forwarded
Header
Value
XForwarded
Headers
XForwarded
Headers
Config
XForwarded
Header
Values
ktor-server-freemarker
io.
ktor.
server.
freemarker
Free
Marker
Free
Marker
Content
respond
Template()
ktor-server-hsts
io.
ktor.
server.
plugins.
hsts
HSTSConfig
Config
max
Age
Duration
ktor-server-html-builder
io.
ktor.
server.
html
each()
Html
Content
insert()
Placeholder
Placeholder
Item
Placeholder
List
respond
Html()
respond
Html
Template()
Template
Template
Placeholder
ktor-server-http-redirect
io.
ktor.
server.
plugins.
httpsredirect
Https
Redirect
Https
Redirect
Config
ktor-server-jte
io.
ktor.
server.
jte
Jte
Jte
Config
Jte
Content
respond
Template()
ktor-server-locations
io.
ktor.
server.
locations
delete()
get()
handle()
head()
href()
Ktor
Experimental
Locations
Location
location()
Location
Attribute
Route
Service
Location
Info
location
Or
Null()
Location
Property
Info
Location
Route
Service
Location
Routing
Exception
Locations
Configuration
Plugin
locations
options()
patch()
post()
put()
url()
ktor-server-method-override
io.
ktor.
server.
plugins.
methodoverride
XHttp
Method
Override
XHttp
Method
Override
Config
ktor-server-metrics
io.
ktor.
server.
metrics.
dropwizard
Dropwizard
Metrics
Dropwizard
Metrics
Config
ktor-server-metrics-micrometer
io.
ktor.
server.
metrics.
micrometer
Micrometer
Metrics
Micrometer
Metrics
Config
ktor-server-mustache
io.
ktor.
server.
mustache
Mustache
Mustache
Config
Mustache
Content
respond
Template()
ktor-server-openapi
io.
ktor.
server.
plugins.
openapi
open
Open
APIConfig
ktor-server-partial-content
io.
ktor.
server.
plugins.
partialcontent
Partial
Content
Partial
Content
Config
ktor-server-pebble
io.
ktor.
server.
pebble
Pebble
Pebble
Configuration
Pebble
Content
respond
Template()
ktor-server-rate-limit
io.
ktor.
server.
plugins.
ratelimit
Rate
Limit
rate
Limit()
Rate
Limit
Config
Rate
Limiter
Companion
State
Available
Exhausted
Rate
Limit
Name
Rate
Limit
Provider
Config
Rate
Limit
Route
Selector
ktor-server-request-validation
io.
ktor.
server.
plugins.
requestvalidation
Request
Validation
Request
Validation
Config
Validator
Builder
Request
Validation
Exception
Validation
Result
Invalid
Valid
Validator
ktor-server-resources
io.
ktor.
server.
resources
delete()
get()
handle()
head()
href()
options()
patch()
post()
put()
resource()
Resources
ktor-server-sessions
io.
ktor.
server.
sessions
auto
Serializer
Of()
Cache
Cache
Storage
clear()
cookie()
Cookie
Configuration
Cookie
Id
Session
Builder
Cookie
Session
Builder
Current
Session
default
Session
Serializer()
directory
Session
Storage()
generate
Session
Id()
get()
get
Or
Set()
header()
Header
Id
Session
Builder
Header
Session
Builder
max
Age
session
Id
Session
Not
Yet
Configured
Exception
Session
Provider
sessions
Sessions
Sessions
Config
Session
Serializer
Session
Serializer
Reflection
Session
Storage
Session
Storage
Memory
Session
Tracker
Session
Tracker
By
Id
Session
Tracker
By
Value
Session
Transport
Session
Transport
Cookie
Session
Transport
Header
Session
Transport
Transformer
Session
Transport
Transformer
Encrypt
Companion
Session
Transport
Transformer
Message
Authentication
set()
Too
Late
Session
Set
Exception
transform
Read()
transform
Write()
io.
ktor.
server.
sessions.
serialization
Kotlinx
Backward
Compatible
Session
Serializer()
Kotlinx
Session
Serializer()
ktor-server-status-pages
io.
ktor.
server.
plugins.
statuspages
exception()
status
File()
Status
Pages
Status
Pages
Config
Status
Context
ktor-server-swagger
io.
ktor.
server.
plugins.
swagger
Swagger
Config
swagger
UI()
ktor-server-thymeleaf
io.
ktor.
server.
thymeleaf
respond
Template()
Thymeleaf
Thymeleaf
Content
ktor-server-velocity
io.
ktor.
server.
velocity
engine()
respond
Template()
Velocity
Velocity
Content
Velocity
Tools
ktor-server-webjars
io.
ktor.
server.
webjars
Webjars
Webjars
Config
ktor-server-websockets
io.
ktor.
server.
websocket
application
converter
Default
Web
Socket
Server
Session
ping
Interval
ping
Period
receive
Deserialized()
send
Serialized()
timeout
web
Socket()
web
Socket
Raw()
Web
Sockets
Plugin
Web
Socket
Options
Web
Sockets()
Web
Socket
Server
Session
Web
Socket
Upgrade
Companion
ktor-server-servlet
io.
ktor.
server.
servlet
Async
Servlet
Application
Call
Async
Servlet
Application
Request
Async
Servlet
Application
Response
Companion
Default
Servlet
Upgrade
java
Security
Principal
Ktor
Servlet
put
Servlet
Attributes()
Servlet
Application
Engine
Companion
Servlet
Application
Request
Servlet
Application
Request
Cookies
Servlet
Application
Request
Headers
Servlet
Application
Response
Servlet
Context
Attribute
servlet
Request
Attributes
Servlet
Upgrade
Servlet
Upgrade
Handler
Upgrade
Request
web
Resources()
Web
Resources
Config
io.
ktor.
server.
servlet.
v4
do
Push()
ktor-server-test-host
io.
ktor.
server.
testing
Application
Test
Builder
await
Web
Socket()
Base
Test
Client
Provider
content
Type()
cookies
Session()
create
Test
Environment()
Engine
Test
Base
Companion
External
Services
Builder
handle
Request()
handle
Web
Socket
Conversation()
High
Load
Http
Generator
Companion
It
it()
On
on()
set
Body()
Stress
Suite
Runner
Test
Application
Test
Application()
test
Application()
Test
Application
Builder
Test
Application
Call
Test
Application
Engine
Configuration
Test
Application
Request
Test
Application
Response
Test
Engine
with
Application()
with
Test
Application()
io.
ktor.
server.
testing.
client
Invalid
Test
Request
Exception
Test
Http
Client
Config
Test
Http
Client
Engine
Companion
ktor-server-test-suites
io.
ktor.
server.
testing.
suites
Client
Cert
Test
Suite
Companion
Compression
Test
Suite
Config
Test
Suite
Connection
Test
Suite
Content
Test
Suite
Companion
count
Engine
Stress
Suite
Http
Server
Common
Test
Suite
Http
Server
Jvm
Test
Suite
Server
Plugins
Test
Suite
Sustainability
Test
Suite
Custom
Fail
ktor-server-tomcat
io.
ktor.
server.
tomcat
Engine
Main
Tomcat
Tomcat
Application
Engine
Companion
Configuration
ktor-events
io.
ktor.
events
Event
Definition
Events
raise
Catching()
ktor-resources
io.
ktor.
resources
href()
Resource
Resources
Configuration
Resource
Serialization
Exception
io.
ktor.
resources.
serialization
Resources
Format
Parameter
ktor-serialization
io.
ktor.
serialization
Configuration
Content
Converter
Content
Convert
Exception
deserialize()
Json
Convert
Exception
serialize()
suitable
Charset()
suitable
Charset
Or
Null()
Websocket
Content
Converter
Websocket
Content
Convert
Exception
Websocket
Converter
Not
Found
Exception
Websocket
Deserialize
Exception
ktor-serialization-gson
io.
ktor.
serialization.
gson
gson()
Gson
Converter
Gson
Websocket
Content
Converter
ktor-serialization-jackson
io.
ktor.
serialization.
jackson
jackson()
Jackson
Converter
Jackson
Websocket
Content
Converter
ktor-serialization-kotlinx
io.
ktor.
serialization.
kotlinx
Kotlinx
Serialization
Converter
Kotlinx
Websocket
Serialization
Converter
serialization()
ktor-serialization-kotlinx-cbor
io.
ktor.
serialization.
kotlinx.
cbor
cbor()
Default
Cbor
ktor-serialization-kotlinx-json
io.
ktor.
serialization.
kotlinx.
json
Default
Json
json()
ktor-serialization-kotlinx-protobuf
io.
ktor.
serialization.
kotlinx.
protobuf
Default
Proto
Buf
protobuf()
ktor-serialization-kotlinx-tests
io.
ktor.
serialization.
kotlinx.
test
Abstract
Contextual
Serialization
Test
Abstract
Serialization
Test
Abstract
Server
Serialization
Test
Test
Entity
Github
Profile
User
Data
User
Data
Serializer
ktor-serialization-kotlinx-xml
io.
ktor.
serialization.
kotlinx.
xml
Default
Xml
xml()
ktor-websocket-serialization
io.
ktor.
websocket.
serialization
receive
Deserialized
Base()
send
Serialized
Base()
ktor-websockets
io.
ktor.
websocket
close()
close
Exceptionally()
Close
Reason
Codes
Companion
Default
Web
Socket
Session
Default
Web
Socket
Session()
extension()
extension
Or
Null()
Frame
Binary
Close
Companion
Ping
Pong
Text
Frame
Parser
State
Frame
Too
Big
Exception
Frame
Type
Companion
parse
Web
Socket
Extensions()
Raw
Web
Socket()
read
Bytes()
read
Frame()
read
Reason()
read
Text()
send()
Serializer
Simple
Frame
Collector
Web
Socket
Deflate
Extension
Companion
Config
Web
Socket
Extension
Web
Socket
Extension
Factory
Web
Socket
Extension
Header
Web
Socket
Extensions
Config
Web
Socket
Reader
Web
Socket
Session
Web
Socket
Writer
write
Frame()
ktor-test-dispatcher
io.
ktor.
test.
dispatcher
test
Suspend()
ktor-utils
io.
ktor.
util
Always
Fail
Nonce
Manager
append
All()
append
Filtered()
append
If
Name
Absent()
append
If
Name
And
Value
Absent()
as
Stream()
Attribute
Key
Attributes
Attributes()
Attributes
Js
build()
Case
Insensitive
Map
case
Insensitive
Map()
Case
Insensitive
Set
chomp()
combine
Safe()
contains()
copy()
copy
To
Both()
create
Fixed
Thread
Dispatcher()
create
LRUCache()
decode
Base64Bytes()
decode
Base64String()
decode
String()
Deflate
deflated()
Digest
Digest()
encode
Base64()
Encoder
escape
extension
filter()
flatten
Entries()
flatten
For
Each()
generate
Nonce()
Generate
Only
Nonce
Manager
get
Digest
Function()
GZip
Hash
hex()
Identity
Internal
is
Lower
Case()
Ktor
Dsl
Ktor
Experimental
length
move
To()
move
To
Byte
Array()
Nonce
Manager
normalize
And
Relativize()
Platform
Utils
print
Debug
Tree()
Public
APICandidate
put
All()
read()
read
Short()
root
Cause
sha1()
Silent
Supervisor()
split()
Stateless
Hmac
Nonce
Manager
String
Values
Companion
String
Values
Builder
String
Values
Builder
Impl
String
Values
Impl
String
Values
Single
Impl
Thread
Info
to
Byte
Array()
to
Char
Array()
to
Lower
Case
Preserving
ASCIIRules()
to
Map()
to
Upper
Case
Preserving
ASCIIRules()
unmodifiable()
values
Of()
Worker
Stacktrace
write()
io.
ktor.
util.
cio
buffered
Writer()
Byte
Buffer
Pool
Channel
IOException
Channel
Read
Exception
Channel
Write
Exception
Ktor
Default
Pool
pass()
read
Channel()
Semaphore
to
Byte
Array()
to
Byte
Read
Channel()
use()
write()
write
Channel()
writer()
io.
ktor.
util.
collections
Concurrent
Map
Concurrent
Set()
Copy
On
Write
Hash
Map
Lock
Free
shared
List()
shared
List
Of()
shared
Map()
io.
ktor.
util.
converters
Conversion
Service
Data
Conversion
Configuration
Data
Conversion
Exception
Default
Conversion
Service
Delegating
Conversion
Service
Configuration
io.
ktor.
util.
date
get
Time
Millis()
Companion
GMTDate()
Parser
Companion
Invalid
Date
String
Exception
Invalid
Timestamp
Exception
minus()
Month
Companion
plus()
to
Date()
to
Jvm
Date()
truncate
To
Seconds()
Week
Day
Companion
io.
ktor.
util.
debug
add
To
Context
In
Debug
Mode()
init
Context
In
Debug
Mode()
use
Context
Element
In
Debug
Mode()
io.
ktor.
util.
debug.
plugins
Plugin
Name
Key
Plugins
Trace
Key
Plugin
Trace
Element
Plugin
Event
io.
ktor.
util.
internal
init
Cause
Bridge()
io.
ktor.
util.
logging
error()
is
Trace
Enabled
Ktor
Simple
Logger()
Logger
Log
Level
io.
ktor.
util.
network
address
hostname
Network
Address
Network
Address()
port
Resolved
Network
Address()
Unresolved
Address
Exception
io.
ktor.
util.
pipeline
execute()
intercept()
Invalid
Phase
Exception
Pipeline
Pipeline
Context
Pipeline
Phase
io.
ktor.
util.
reflect
instance
Of()
Js
Type
platform
Type
Type
Type
Info
type
Info()
type
Info
Impl()
ktor-http
/
io.ktor.http
/
date
date
jvm
fun
HttpMessage
.
date
(
)
:
Date
?
Parse
Date
header.