
fun CoroutineScope.decodeChunked(input: ByteReadChannel, contentLength: Long): DecoderJob

Start a chunked stream decoder coroutine

Decode chunked transfer encoding from the input channel and write the result in out.


if stream has ended unexpectedly.

if the format is invalid.

fun CoroutineScope.decodeChunked(input: ByteReadChannel): DecoderJob


Specify content length if known or pass -1L

Replace with

decodeChunked(input, -1L)

Start a chunked stream decoder coroutine

suspend fun decodeChunked(input: ByteReadChannel, out: ByteWriteChannel, contentLength: Long)

Deprecated (with error)

The contentLength is ignored for chunked transfer encoding

Replace with

decodeChunked(input, out)

Chunked stream decoding loop