
Represents a connected socket


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abstract fun attachForReading(channel: ByteChannel): WriterJob

Attach channel for reading so incoming bytes appears in the attached channel. Only one channel could be attached

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abstract fun attachForWriting(channel: ByteChannel): ReaderJob

Attach channel for writing so bytes written to the attached channel will be transmitted Only one channel could be attached

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expect abstract fun close()
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open override fun dispose()


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Local socket address. Could throw an exception if no address bound yet.

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Remote socket address. Could throw an exception if the peer is not yet connected or already disconnected.

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abstract val socketContext: Job

Represents a socket lifetime, completes at socket closure


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suspend fun ASocket.awaitClosed()

Await until socket close

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Opens socket input and output channels and returns connection object

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Check if the socket is closed

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Open a read channel, could be done only once

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Open a write channel, could be opened only once