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fun <HookHandler> on(hook: Hook<HookHandler>, handler: HookHandler)

Specifies a handler for a specific hook. A hook can be a specific place in time or event during the request processing like application shutdown, an exception during call processing, etc.

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fun onCall(block: suspend OnCallContext<PluginConfig>.(call: ApplicationCall) -> Unit)

Specifies the block handler for every incoming ApplicationCall.

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Specifies the block handler that allows you to obtain and transform data received from the client. This block is invoked for every attempt to receive the request body.

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Specifies the block handler that allows you to transform data before sending it to the client. This handler is executed when the call.respond function is invoked in a route handler.


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abstract val application: Application

A reference to the Application where the plugin is installed.

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A configuration of your current application (incl. host, port and anything else you can define in application.conf).

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Allows you to access the environment of the currently running application where the plugin is installed.

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A configuration of the current plugin.

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abstract val route: Route?

A Route to which this plugin was installed. Can be null if plugin in installed into Application.