Package-level declarations


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data class CloseReason(val code: Short, val message: String)

A WebSocket close reason.

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A default WebSocket session with ping-pong and timeout processing and built-in closeReason population.

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expect sealed class Frame

A frame received or ready to be sent. It is not reusable and not thread-safe.

actual sealed class Frame

A frame received or ready to be sent. It is not reusable and not thread-safe

actual sealed class Frame

A frame received or ready to be sent. It is not reusable and not thread-safe

actual sealed class Frame

A frame received or ready to be sent. It is not reusable and not thread-safe

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class FrameTooBigException(val frameSize: Long) : Exception, CopyableThrowable<FrameTooBigException>

Raised when the frame is bigger than allowed in a current WebSocket session.

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A WebSocket frame type.

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Compress and decompress WebSocket frames to reduce amount of transferred bytes.

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A WebSocket extension instance. This instance is created for each WebSocket request, for every installed extension by WebSocketExtensionFactory.

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A factory that defines a WebSocket extension. The factory is used in pair with the WebSocketExtensionsConfig.install method to install the WebSocket extension in client or server.

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class WebSocketExtensionHeader(val name: String, val parameters: List<String>)

A parsed Sec-WebSocket-Accept header item representation.

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Extensions configuration for the WebSocket client and server plugins.

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class WebSocketReader(byteChannel: ByteReadChannel, val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, var maxFrameSize: Long, pool: ObjectPool<ByteBuffer> = KtorDefaultPool) : CoroutineScope

Class that continuously reads a byteChannel and converts into Websocket Frame exposing them in incoming.

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interface WebSocketSession : CoroutineScope

A WebSocket session between two peers.

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class WebSocketWriter(writeChannel: ByteWriteChannel, val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, var masking: Boolean = false, val pool: ObjectPool<ByteBuffer> = KtorDefaultPool) : CoroutineScope

Class that processes written outgoing Websocket Frame, serializes them and writes the bits into the writeChannel.


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suspend fun WebSocketSession.close(reason: CloseReason = CloseReason(CloseReason.Codes.NORMAL, ""))

Sends a close frame with the specified reason. May suspend if the outgoing channel is full. The specified reason could be ignored if there was already close frame sent (for example in reply to a peer close frame). It also may do nothing when a session or an outgoing channel is already closed due to any reason.

suspend fun WebSocketSession.close(cause: Throwable?)

Closes with the reason depending on cause or normally if the cause is null.

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Closes a session with normal or error close reason, depending on whether cause is cancellation or not.

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fun DefaultWebSocketSession(session: WebSocketSession, pingInterval: Long = -1L, timeoutMillis: Long = 15000): DefaultWebSocketSession

Creates DefaultWebSocketSession from a session.

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Parses the Sec-WebSocket-Accept header.

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expect fun RawWebSocket(input: ByteReadChannel, output: ByteWriteChannel, maxFrameSize: Long = Int.MAX_VALUE.toLong(), masking: Boolean = false, coroutineContext: CoroutineContext): WebSocketSession

Creates a RAW web socket session from connection.

actual fun RawWebSocket(input: ByteReadChannel, output: ByteWriteChannel, maxFrameSize: Long, masking: Boolean, coroutineContext: CoroutineContext): WebSocketSession

Creates a RAW web socket session from connection

actual fun RawWebSocket(input: ByteReadChannel, output: ByteWriteChannel, maxFrameSize: Long, masking: Boolean, coroutineContext: CoroutineContext): WebSocketSession

Creates a RAW web socket session from connection

actual fun RawWebSocket(input: ByteReadChannel, output: ByteWriteChannel, maxFrameSize: Long, masking: Boolean, coroutineContext: CoroutineContext): WebSocketSession

Creates a RAW web socket session from connection

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Reads binary content from the frame. For fragmented frames only returns this fragment.

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suspend fun ByteReadChannel.readFrame(maxFrameSize: Long, lastOpcode: Int): Frame

Reads bits from ByteReadChannel and converts into a WebSocket Frame.

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Reads the close reason from the close frame or null if no close reason is provided.

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Reads text content from the text frame. Shouldn't be used for fragmented frames: such frames need to be reassembled first.

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suspend fun WebSocketSession.send(content: ByteArray)

Enqueues a final binary frame for sending with the specified content.

suspend fun WebSocketSession.send(content: String)

Enqueues a text frame for sending with the specified content.

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suspend fun ByteWriteChannel.writeFrame(frame: Frame, masking: Boolean)

Serializes WebSocket Frame and writes the bits into the ByteWriteChannel. If masking is true, then data will be masked with random mask