
expect suspend fun PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.oauthHandleCallback(client: HttpClient, dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, provider: OAuthServerSettings, callbackUrl: String, loginPageUrl: String, block: suspend (OAuthAccessTokenResponse) -> Unit)

Deprecated (with error)

Install and configure OAuth instead.

Handles an OAuth callback. Usually it leads to requesting an access token.

expect suspend fun PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.oauthHandleCallback(client: HttpClient, dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, provider: OAuthServerSettings, callbackUrl: String, loginPageUrl: String, configure: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}, block: suspend (OAuthAccessTokenResponse) -> Unit)

Deprecated (with error)

Specifying an extra configuration function will be deprecated. Please provide it via OAuthServerSettings.

Handles an OAuth callback.

actual suspend fun PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.oauthHandleCallback(client: HttpClient, dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, provider: OAuthServerSettings, callbackUrl: String, loginPageUrl: String, block: suspend (OAuthAccessTokenResponse) -> Unit)

Deprecated (with error)

Install and configure OAuth instead.

Handles an OAuth callback. Usually it leads to requesting an access token.

actual suspend fun PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.oauthHandleCallback(client: HttpClient, dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, provider: OAuthServerSettings, callbackUrl: String, loginPageUrl: String, configure: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit, block: suspend (OAuthAccessTokenResponse) -> Unit)

Deprecated (with error)

Specifying an extra configuration function will be deprecated. Please provide it via OAuthServerSettings.

Handles an OAuth callback.

actual suspend fun PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.oauthHandleCallback(client: HttpClient, dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, provider: OAuthServerSettings, callbackUrl: String, loginPageUrl: String, block: suspend (OAuthAccessTokenResponse) -> Unit)

Deprecated (with error)

Install and configure OAuth instead.

Handles an OAuth callback. Usually it leads to requesting an access token.

actual suspend fun PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.oauthHandleCallback(client: HttpClient, dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, provider: OAuthServerSettings, callbackUrl: String, loginPageUrl: String, configure: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit, block: suspend (OAuthAccessTokenResponse) -> Unit)

Deprecated (with error)

Specifying an extra configuration function will be deprecated. Please provide it via OAuthServerSettings.

Handles an OAuth callback.