
expect abstract fun readSession(consumer: ReadSession.() -> Unit)


Use read { } instead.

Starts non-suspendable read session. After channel preparation consumer lambda will be invoked immediately event if there are no bytes available for read yet.

actual abstract fun readSession(consumer: ReadSession.() -> Unit)


Use read { } instead.

Starts non-suspendable read session. After channel preparation consumer lambda will be invoked immediately event if there are no bytes available for read yet.

actual abstract fun readSession(consumer: ReadSession.() -> Unit)


Use read { } instead.

Starts non-suspendable read session. After channel preparation consumer lambda will be invoked immediately event if there are no bytes available for read yet.

actual abstract fun readSession(consumer: ReadSession.() -> Unit)


Use read { } instead.

Starts non-suspendable read session. After channel preparation consumer lambda will be invoked immediately event if there are no bytes available for read yet.