Package io.ktor.client.request.forms
Supplies a new ByteReadChannel
Form builder type used in formData builder function.
OutgoingContent with for application/x-www-form-urlencoded formatted request.
Reusable Input form entry.
OutgoingContent for multipart/form-data formatted request.
Append a form part with the specified key using bodyBuilder for it's body.
Append a form part with the specified key, filename and optional contentType using bodyBuilder for it's body.
Prepare formParameters request.
Prepare HttpMethod.Post request with formData encoded in body. formData encoded using multipart/form-data format.
Prepare HttpMethod.Post request with formData encoded in body. url destination formData encoded using multipart/form-data format.
Submit formParameters request.
Send HttpMethod.Post request with formData encoded in body. formData encoded using multipart/form-data format.
Send HttpMethod.Post request with formData encoded in body. url destination formData encoded using multipart/form-data format.