Package io.ktor.util.pipeline


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class InvalidPhaseException(message: String) : Throwable

An exception about misconfigured phases in a pipeline

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open class Pipeline<TSubject : Any, TContext : Any>(phases: PipelinePhase)

Represents an execution pipeline for asynchronous extensible computations

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abstract class PipelineContext<TSubject : Any, TContext : Any>(context: TContext) : CoroutineScope

Represents running execution of a pipeline

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typealias PipelineInterceptor<TSubject, TContext> = suspend PipelineContext<TSubject, TContext>.(TSubject) -> Unit

Represents an interceptor type which is a suspend extension function for a context

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class PipelinePhase(name: String)

Represents a phase in a pipeline


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inline suspend fun <TContext : Any> Pipeline<Unit, TContext>.execute(context: TContext)

Executes this pipeline

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inline fun <TSubject : Any, TContext : Any> Pipeline<*, TContext>.intercept(phase: PipelinePhase, noinline block: suspend PipelineContext<TSubject, TContext>.(TSubject) -> Unit)

Intercepts an untyped pipeline when the subject is of the given type