Package io.ktor.server.locations
API marked with this annotation is experimental and is not guaranteed to be stable.
Implements LocationRouteService by extracting routing information from a Location annotation.
A location class/object registration info.
Represents a location's property
Provides services for extracting routing information from a location class.
Exception indicating that route parameters in curly brackets do not match class properties.
Ktor plugin that allows to handle and construct routes in a typed way.
Renders link to a location using current installed locations service
Retrieves the current call's location or fails if it is not available (request is not handled by a location class), or not yet available (invoked too early before the locations plugin takes place).
Retrieves the current call's location or fails if it is not available (request is not handled by a location class), or not yet available (invoked too early before the locations plugin takes place).
Gets the Application.locations plugin
Gets the Application.locations plugin
Gets the Application.locations plugin