Package io.ktor.client.request


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abstract class ClientUpgradeContent : OutgoingContent.NoContent
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open class DefaultHttpRequest(call: HttpClientCall, data: HttpRequestData) : HttpRequest

Default HttpRequest implementation.

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interface HttpRequest : HttpMessage, CoroutineScope

A request for HttpClient, first part of HttpClientCall.

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class HttpRequestBuilder : HttpMessageBuilder

Class for building HttpRequestData.

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class HttpRequestData constructor(url: Url, method: HttpMethod, headers: Headers, body: OutgoingContent, executionContext: Job, attributes: Attributes)

Actual data of the HttpRequest, including url, method, headers, body and executionContext. Built by HttpRequestBuilder.

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class HttpRequestPipeline(developmentMode: Boolean) : Pipeline<Any, HttpRequestBuilder>

HttpClient Pipeline used for executing HttpRequest.

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class HttpResponseData(statusCode: HttpStatusCode, requestTime: GMTDate, headers: Headers, version: HttpProtocolVersion, body: Any, callContext: CoroutineContext)

Data prepared for HttpResponse.

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class HttpSendPipeline(developmentMode: Boolean) : Pipeline<Any, HttpRequestBuilder>

HttpClient Pipeline used for sending HttpRequest to remote server.


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fun HttpMessageBuilder.accept(contentType: ContentType)

Appends the Accept header with a specific contentType.

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fun HttpMessageBuilder.basicAuth(username: String, password: String)

Appends the HttpHeaders.Authorization to Basic Authorization with the provided username and password. For advanced configuration use the io.ktor:ktor-client-auth plugin.

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fun HttpMessageBuilder.bearerAuth(token: String)

Appends the HttpHeaders.Authorization to Bearer Authorization with the provided token. For advanced configuration use the io.ktor:ktor-client-auth plugin.

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fun HttpMessageBuilder.cookie(name: String, value: String, maxAge: Int = 0, expires: GMTDate? = null, domain: String? = null, path: String? = null, secure: Boolean = false, httpOnly: Boolean = false, extensions: Map<String, String?> = emptyMap())

Appends a single header of key with a specific value if the value is not null.

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inline suspend fun HttpClient.delete(builder: HttpRequestBuilder): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient DELETE request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.delete(block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient DELETE request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.delete(url: Url, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient HEAD request, with the specified url as Url and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

inline suspend fun HttpClient.delete(urlString: String, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient DELETE request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

suspend fun HttpClient.delete(url: URL, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient HEAD request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

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inline suspend fun HttpClient.get(builder: HttpRequestBuilder): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient GET request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.get(block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient GET request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.get(url: Url, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient GET request, with the specified url as Url and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

inline suspend fun HttpClient.get(urlString: String, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient GET request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

suspend fun HttpClient.get(url: URL, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient GET request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

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inline suspend fun HttpClient.head(builder: HttpRequestBuilder): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient HEAD request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.head(block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient HEAD request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.head(url: Url, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient HEAD request, with the specified url as Url and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

inline suspend fun HttpClient.head(urlString: String, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient HEAD request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

suspend fun HttpClient.head(url: URL, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient HEAD request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

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fun HttpMessageBuilder.header(key: String, value: Any?)

Appends a single header of key with a specific value if the value is not null.

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fun HttpMessageBuilder.headers(block: HeadersBuilder.() -> Unit): HeadersBuilder

Executes a block that configures the HeadersBuilder associated to this request.

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operator fun HttpRequestBuilder.Companion.invoke(block: URLBuilder.() -> Unit): HttpRequestBuilder

Executes a block that configures the URLBuilder associated to thisrequest.

operator fun HttpRequestBuilder.Companion.invoke(scheme: String? = null, host: String? = null, port: Int? = null, path: String? = null, block: URLBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpRequestBuilder

Constructs a HttpRequestBuilder from URL information: scheme, host, port and path and optionally further configures it using block. Pass null to keep existing value in the URLBuilder.

operator fun HttpRequestBuilder.Companion.invoke(url: URL): HttpRequestBuilder

Constructs a HttpRequestBuilder from url.

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fun HttpRequestData.isUpgradeRequest(): Boolean
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inline suspend fun HttpClient.options(builder: HttpRequestBuilder): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient OPTIONS request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.options(block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient OPTIONS request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.options(url: Url, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient OPTIONS request, with the specified url as Url and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

inline suspend fun HttpClient.options(urlString: String, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient OPTIONS request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

suspend fun HttpClient.options(url: URL, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient OPTIONS request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

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fun HttpRequestBuilder.parameter(key: String, value: Any?)

Appends a single URL query parameter of key with a specific value if the value is not null. Can not be used to set form parameters in the body.

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inline suspend fun HttpClient.patch(builder: HttpRequestBuilder): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient PATCH request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.patch(block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient PATCH request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.patch(url: Url, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient PATCH request, with the specified url as Url and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

inline suspend fun HttpClient.patch(urlString: String, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient PATCH request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

suspend fun HttpClient.patch(url: URL, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient PATCH request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

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inline suspend fun HttpRequestBuilder): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient POST request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient POST request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun Url, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient POST request, with the specified url as Url and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

inline suspend fun String, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient POST request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

suspend fun URL, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient POST request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

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inline suspend fun HttpClient.prepareDelete(builder: HttpRequestBuilder): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient DELETE request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.prepareDelete(block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient DELETE request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.prepareDelete(url: Url, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient HEAD request, with the specified url as Url and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

inline suspend fun HttpClient.prepareDelete(urlString: String, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient DELETE request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

suspend fun HttpClient.prepareDelete(url: URL, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient HEAD request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

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inline suspend fun HttpClient.prepareGet(builder: HttpRequestBuilder): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient GET request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.prepareGet(block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient GET request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.prepareGet(url: Url, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient GET request, with the specified url as Url and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

inline suspend fun HttpClient.prepareGet(urlString: String, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient GET request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

suspend fun HttpClient.prepareGet(url: URL, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient GET request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

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inline suspend fun HttpClient.prepareHead(builder: HttpRequestBuilder): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient HEAD request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.prepareHead(block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient HEAD request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.prepareHead(url: Url, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient HEAD request, with the specified url as Url and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

inline suspend fun HttpClient.prepareHead(urlString: String, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient HEAD request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

suspend fun HttpClient.prepareHead(url: URL, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient HEAD request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

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inline suspend fun HttpClient.prepareOptions(builder: HttpRequestBuilder): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient OPTIONS request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.prepareOptions(block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient OPTIONS request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.prepareOptions(url: Url, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient OPTIONS request, with the specified url as Url and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

inline suspend fun HttpClient.prepareOptions(urlString: String, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient OPTIONS request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

suspend fun HttpClient.prepareOptions(url: URL, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient OPTIONS request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

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inline suspend fun HttpClient.preparePatch(builder: HttpRequestBuilder): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient PATCH request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.preparePatch(block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient PATCH request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.preparePatch(url: Url, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient PATCH request, with the specified url as Url and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

inline suspend fun HttpClient.preparePatch(urlString: String, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient PATCH request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

suspend fun HttpClient.preparePatch(url: URL, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient PATCH request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

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inline suspend fun HttpClient.preparePost(builder: HttpRequestBuilder): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient POST request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.preparePost(block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient POST request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.preparePost(url: Url, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient POST request, with the specified url as Url and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

inline suspend fun HttpClient.preparePost(urlString: String, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient POST request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

suspend fun HttpClient.preparePost(url: URL, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient POST request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

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inline suspend fun HttpClient.preparePut(builder: HttpRequestBuilder): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient PUT request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.preparePut(block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient PUT request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.preparePut(url: Url, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient PUT request, with the specified url as Url and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

inline suspend fun HttpClient.preparePut(urlString: String, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient PUT request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

suspend fun HttpClient.preparePut(url: URL, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient PUT request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

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inline suspend fun HttpClient.prepareRequest(builder: HttpRequestBuilder = HttpRequestBuilder()): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.prepareRequest(block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient request, with the information configured in builder block

inline suspend fun HttpClient.prepareRequest(url: Url, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient request, with the url and the information configured in builder block

inline suspend fun HttpClient.prepareRequest(urlString: String, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient request, with the urlString and the information configured in builder block

suspend fun HttpClient.prepareRequest(url: URL, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpStatement

Prepares a HttpClient request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

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inline suspend fun HttpClient.put(builder: HttpRequestBuilder): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient PUT request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.put(block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient PUT request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.put(url: Url, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient PUT request, with the specified url as Url and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

inline suspend fun HttpClient.put(urlString: String, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient PUT request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

suspend fun HttpClient.put(url: URL, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient PUT request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

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fun request(block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit): HttpRequestBuilder

Creates a HttpRequestBuilder and configures it with a block of code.

inline suspend fun HttpClient.request(builder: HttpRequestBuilder = HttpRequestBuilder()): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient request, with the information from the builder

inline suspend fun HttpClient.request(block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient request, with the information configured in builder block

inline suspend fun HttpClient.request(url: Url, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient request, with the url and the information configured in builder block

inline suspend fun HttpClient.request(urlString: String, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient request, with the urlString and the information configured in builder block

suspend fun HttpClient.request(url: URL, block: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): HttpResponse

Executes a HttpClient request, with the specified url as URL and an optional block receiving an HttpRequestBuilder for further configuring the request.

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inline fun <T> HttpRequestBuilder.setBody(body: T)
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fun HttpRequestBuilder.takeFrom(request: HttpRequest): HttpRequestBuilder

Mutates this copying all the data from another request using it as base.

fun HttpRequestBuilder.takeFrom(request: HttpRequestData): HttpRequestBuilder
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fun HttpRequestBuilder.url(url: Url)
fun HttpRequestBuilder.url(block: URLBuilder.() -> Unit)

Executes a block that configures the URLBuilder associated to this request.

fun HttpRequestBuilder.url(urlString: String)
fun HttpRequestBuilder.url(scheme: String? = null, host: String? = null, port: Int? = null, path: String? = null, block: URLBuilder.() -> Unit = {})

Sets the url using the specified scheme, host, port and path. Pass null to keep existing value in the URLBuilder.

fun HttpRequestBuilder.url(url: URL): URLBuilder


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var String

Gets the associated URL's host.

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var HttpRequestBuilder.port: Int

Gets the associated URL's port.