
class HttpClientConfig<T : HttpClientEngineConfig>

Mutable configuration used by HttpClient.


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fun HttpClientConfig()


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fun clone(): HttpClientConfig<T>

Clones this HttpClientConfig duplicating all the plugins and customInterceptors.

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fun engine(block: T.() -> Unit)

Configure engine parameters.

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fun install(client: HttpClient)

Applies all the installed plugins and customInterceptors from this configuration into the specified client.

fun <TBuilder : Any, TPlugin : Any> install(plugin: HttpClientPlugin<TBuilder, TPlugin>, configure: TBuilder.() -> Unit = {})

Installs a specific plugin and optionally configure it.

fun install(key: String, block: HttpClient.() -> Unit)

Installs an interceptor defined by block. The key parameter is used as a unique name, that also prevents installing duplicated interceptors.

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operator fun plusAssign(other: HttpClientConfig<out T>)

Install plugin from other client config.


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var developmentMode: Boolean

Indicate if client should use development mode. In development mode client pipelines have advanced stack traces.

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var expectSuccess: Boolean = false

Terminate HttpClient.receivePipeline if status code is not successful (>=300).

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var followRedirects: Boolean = true

Use HttpRedirect plugin to automatically follow redirects.

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var useDefaultTransformers: Boolean = true

Use defaultTransformers to automatically handle simple ContentType.


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fun HttpClientConfig<*>.addDefaultResponseValidation()

Default response validation. Check the response status code in range (0..299).

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fun HttpClientConfig<*>.BrowserUserAgent()

Installs the UserAgent plugin with a browser-like user agent.

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fun HttpClientConfig<*>.Charsets(block: HttpPlainText.Config.() -> Unit)

Configure client charsets.

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fun HttpClientConfig<*>.CurlUserAgent()

Installs the UserAgent plugin with a CURL user agent.

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fun HttpClientConfig<*>.defaultRequest(block: DefaultRequest.DefaultRequestBuilder.() -> Unit)

Set default request parameters. See DefaultRequest

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fun HttpClientConfig<*>.HttpResponseValidator(block: HttpCallValidator.Config.() -> Unit)

Install HttpCallValidator with block configuration.

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fun HttpClientConfig<*>.ResponseObserver(block: ResponseHandler)

Install ResponseObserver plugin in client.

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fun HttpClientConfig<*>.WebSockets(config: WebSockets.Config.() -> Unit)

Installs the WebSockets plugin using the config as configuration.