Package io.ktor.server.cio


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object CIO

An ApplicationEngineFactory providing a CIO-based ApplicationEngine

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class CIOApplicationEngine(environment: <ERROR CLASS>, configure: CIOApplicationEngine.Configuration.() -> Unit)

Engine that based on CIO backend

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object EngineMain

Default engine with main function that starts CIO engine using application.conf

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typealias HttpRequestHandler = suspend ServerRequestScope.(<ERROR CLASS>) -> Unit

HTTP request handler function

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class HttpServer(rootServerJob: Job, acceptJob: Job, serverSocket: Deferred<<ERROR CLASS>>)

Represents a server instance

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data class HttpServerSettings(host: String, port: Int, connectionIdleTimeoutSeconds: Long)

HTTP server connector settings


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fun CoroutineScope.httpServer(settings: HttpServerSettings, handler: suspend CoroutineScope.(<ERROR CLASS>, <ERROR CLASS>, <ERROR CLASS>, upgraded: CompletableDeferred<Boolean>?) -> Unit): HttpServer

Start an http server with settings invoking handler for every request


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val HttpPipelineCoroutine: CoroutineName

HTTP pipeline coroutine name

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val HttpPipelineWriterCoroutine: CoroutineName

HTTP pipeline writer coroutine name

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val RequestHandlerCoroutine: CoroutineName

HTTP request handler coroutine name