
expect abstract class BaseApplicationResponse(call: <ERROR CLASS>)

Base class for implementing an ApplicationResponse

actual abstract class BaseApplicationResponse : ApplicationResponse

Base class for implementing an ApplicationResponse

actual abstract class BaseApplicationResponse(call: <ERROR CLASS>)


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expect fun BaseApplicationResponse(call: <ERROR CLASS>)
actual fun BaseApplicationResponse(call: <ERROR CLASS>)


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expect class BodyLengthIsTooLong(expected: Long) : IllegalStateException, CopyableThrowable<BaseApplicationResponse.BodyLengthIsTooLong>
actual class BodyLengthIsTooLong(expected: Long) : IllegalStateException, CopyableThrowable<BaseApplicationResponse.BodyLengthIsTooLong>

Content's actual body size doesn't match the provided one in Content-Length header

actual class BodyLengthIsTooLong(expected: Long)

Content's actual body size doesn't match the provided one in Content-Length header

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expect class BodyLengthIsTooSmall(expected: Long, actual: Long) : IllegalStateException, CopyableThrowable<BaseApplicationResponse.BodyLengthIsTooSmall>

Content's actual body size doesn't match the provided one in Content-Length header

actual class BodyLengthIsTooSmall(expected: Long, actual: Long) : IllegalStateException, CopyableThrowable<BaseApplicationResponse.BodyLengthIsTooSmall>

Content's actual body size doesn't match the provided one in Content-Length header

actual class BodyLengthIsTooSmall(expected: Long, actual: Long)

Content's actual body size doesn't match the provided one in Content-Length header

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expect object Companion
actual object Companion
actual object Companion
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expect class InvalidHeaderForContent(name: String, content: String) : IllegalStateException, CopyableThrowable<BaseApplicationResponse.InvalidHeaderForContent>

OutgoingContent is trying to set some header that is not allowed for this content type. For example, only upgrade content can set Upgrade header.

actual class InvalidHeaderForContent(name: String, content: String) : IllegalStateException, CopyableThrowable<BaseApplicationResponse.InvalidHeaderForContent>

OutgoingContent is trying to set some header that is not allowed for this content type. For example, only upgrade content can set Upgrade header.

actual class InvalidHeaderForContent(name: String, content: String)

OutgoingContent is trying to set some header that is not allowed for this content type. For example, only upgrade content can set Upgrade header.

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expect class ResponseAlreadySentException : IllegalStateException

Thrown when there was already response sent but we are trying to respond again

actual class ResponseAlreadySentException : IllegalStateException

Thrown when there was already response sent, but we are trying to respond again

actual class ResponseAlreadySentException

Thrown when there was already response sent but we are trying to respond again


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expect open fun push(builder: <ERROR CLASS>)
actual open fun push(builder: <ERROR CLASS>)
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expect open fun status(): <ERROR CLASS>?
expect open fun status(value: <ERROR CLASS>)
actual open override fun status(): <ERROR CLASS>?
actual open fun status(): <ERROR CLASS>?
actual open fun status(value: <ERROR CLASS>)


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expect val call: <ERROR CLASS>
actual override val call: <ERROR CLASS>
actual val call: <ERROR CLASS>
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expect open val cookies: <ERROR CLASS>
actual open override val cookies: <ERROR CLASS>
actual open val cookies: <ERROR CLASS>
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abstract val headers: ResponseHeaders
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expect open val isCommitted: Boolean
actual open override val isCommitted: Boolean
actual open val isCommitted: Boolean
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expect val pipeline: <ERROR CLASS>
actual override val pipeline: <ERROR CLASS>
actual val pipeline: <ERROR CLASS>