Package io.ktor.server.plugins.compression
A configuration for the Compression plugin.
A Compression encoder.
A builder for compression encoder configuration.
An encoder configuration for the Compression plugin.
A configuration for the Compression plugin.
A builder for conditions.
Implementation of the deflate
Implementation of the gzip
Implementation of the identity
Appends a custom condition to the encoder or the Compression configuration. A predicate returns true
when a response need to be compressed. If at least one condition is not met, a response isn't compressed.
Appends the deflate
encoder with the block configuration and the 0.9 priority.
Appends a content type exclusion condition to the encoder or the Compression configuration.
Appends the gzip
encoder with the block configuration.
Appends the identity
encoder with the block configuration.
Appends a content type condition to the encoder or the Compression configuration.
Appends a minimum size condition to the encoder or the Compression configuration.