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class ActorSelectorManager(context: CoroutineContext) : SelectorManagerSupport, Closeable, CoroutineScope

Default CIO selector manager implementation

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class ClosedChannelCancellationException : CancellationException
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class InterestSuspensionsMap
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expect interface Selectable

A selectable entity with selectable NIO channel, interestedOps subscriptions.

actual interface Selectable : Closeable, DisposableHandle
actual interface Selectable
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expect enum SelectInterest : Enum<SelectInterest>

Select interest kind

actual enum SelectInterest : Enum<SelectInterest>

Select interest kind

actual enum SelectInterest : Enum<SelectInterest>

Select interest kind

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expect interface SelectorManager : CoroutineScope

SelectorManager interface allows Selectable wait for SelectInterest.

actual interface SelectorManager : CoroutineScope, Closeable

Selector manager is a service that manages NIO selectors and selection threads

actual interface SelectorManager
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abstract class SelectorManagerSupport : SelectorManager

Base class for NIO selector managers

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class SocketError


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inline fun <C : Closeable, R> SelectorManager.buildOrClose(create: SelectorProvider.() -> C, setup: C.() -> R): R

Creates a NIO entity via create and calls setup on it. If any exception happens then the entity will be closed and an exception will be propagated.

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expect fun SelectorManager(dispatcher: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext): SelectorManager

Creates the selector manager for current platform.

actual fun SelectorManager(dispatcher: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext): SelectorManager