
class OkHttpConfig : HttpClientEngineConfig

A configuration for the OkHttp client engine.


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fun OkHttpConfig()


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fun addInterceptor(interceptor: Interceptor)

Adds an Interceptor to the OkHttp client.

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fun addNetworkInterceptor(interceptor: Interceptor)

Adds a network Interceptor to the OkHttp client.

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fun config(block: OkHttpClient.Builder.() -> Unit)

Configures OkHttpClient using OkHttpClient.Builder.


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var clientCacheSize: Int = 10

Specifies the size of cache that keeps recently used OkHttpClient instances. Set this property to 0 to disable caching.

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var pipelining: Boolean
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var preconfigured: OkHttpClient? = null

Allows you to specify a preconfigured OkHttpClient instance.

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var proxy: ProxyConfig?
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var threadsCount: Int
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var webSocketFactory: WebSocket.Factory? = null

Specifies the WebSocket.Factory used to create a WebSocket instance. Otherwise, OkHttpClient is used directly.