
data class DigestCredential(realm: String, userName: String, digestUri: String, nonce: String, opaque: String?, nonceCount: String?, algorithm: String?, response: String, cnonce: String?, qop: String?) : Credential

Digest credentials.

See also


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fun DigestCredential(realm: String, userName: String, digestUri: String, nonce: String, opaque: String?, nonceCount: String?, algorithm: String?, response: String, cnonce: String?, qop: String?)


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val algorithm: String?

a digest algorithm name

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val cnonce: String?

must be sent if qop is specified and must be null otherwise. Should be passed through unchanged.

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val digestUri: String

may be an absolute URI or *

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val nonce: String
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val nonceCount: String?

must be sent if qop is specified and must be null otherwise

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val opaque: String?

a string of data which should be returned by the client unchanged

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val qop: String?

a quality of protection sign

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val realm: String

a digest authentication realm

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val response: String

consist of 32 hex digits (digested password and other fields as per RFC)

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val userName: String


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fun DigestCredential.expectedDigest(method: HttpMethod, digester: MessageDigest, userNameRealmPasswordDigest: ByteArray): ByteArray

Calculates the expected digest bytes for this DigestCredential.

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suspend fun DigestCredential.verifier(method: HttpMethod, digester: MessageDigest, userNameRealmPasswordDigest: suspend (String, String) -> ByteArray?): Boolean

Verifies that credentials are valid for a given method, digester, and userNameRealmPasswordDigest.