
class SPAConfig(defaultPage: String, applicationRoute: String, filesPath: String, useResources: Boolean, ignoredFiles: MutableList<(String) -> Boolean>)

Configuration for the Route.singlePageApplication plugin.


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fun SPAConfig(defaultPage: String = "index.html", applicationRoute: String = "/", filesPath: String = "", useResources: Boolean = false, ignoredFiles: MutableList<(String) -> Boolean> = mutableListOf())


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var applicationRoute: String

The URL path under which the content should be served

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var defaultPage: String

The default name of a file or resource to serve when applicationRoute is requested

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var filesPath: String

The path under which the static content is located. Corresponds to the folder path if the useResources is false, resource path otherwise

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var useResources: Boolean = false

Specifies if static content is a resource package with true or folder with false


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fun SPAConfig.angular(filesPath: String)

Creates an application configuration for the Angular project. Resources will be shared from the filesPath directory. The root file is index.html

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fun SPAConfig.backbone(filesPath: String)

Creates an application configuration for the Backbone project. Resources will be shared from the filesPath directory. The root file is index.html

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fun SPAConfig.ember(filesPath: String)

Creates an application configuration for the Ember project. Resources will be shared from the filesPath directory. The root file is index.html

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fun SPAConfig.ignoreFiles(block: (path: String) -> Boolean)

Registers a block in ignoredFiles returns true if path should be ignored.

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fun SPAConfig.react(filesPath: String)

Creates an application configuration for the React project. Resources will be shared from the filesPath directory. The root file is index.html

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fun SPAConfig.vue(filesPath: String)

Creates an application configuration for the Vue project. Resources will be shared from the filesPath directory. The root file is index.html