
class HttpRequestBuilder : HttpMessageBuilder

Class for building HttpRequestData.


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fun HttpRequestBuilder()


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object Companion


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fun build(): HttpRequestData

Create immutable HttpRequestData

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fun <T : Any> getCapabilityOrNull(key: HttpClientEngineCapability<T>): T?

Retrieve capability by key.

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fun setAttributes(block: Attributes.() -> Unit)

Set request specific attributes specified by block.

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fun <T : Any> setCapability(key: HttpClientEngineCapability<T>, capability: T)

Set capability configuration.

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fun takeFrom(builder: HttpRequestBuilder): HttpRequestBuilder

Mutates this copying all the data but execution context from another builder using it as base.

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fun takeFromWithExecutionContext(builder: HttpRequestBuilder): HttpRequestBuilder

Mutates this copying all the data from another builder using it as base.

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fun url(block: URLBuilder.(URLBuilder) -> Unit)

Executes a block that configures the URLBuilder associated to this request.


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val attributes: Attributes

Call specific attributes.

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var body: Any

The body for this request. Initially EmptyContent.

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var bodyType: TypeInfo?

The KType of body for this request. Null for default types that don't need serialization.

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var executionContext: Job

A deferred used to control the execution of this request.

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open override val headers: HeadersBuilder

HeadersBuilder to configure the headers for this request.

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var method: HttpMethod

HttpMethod used by this request. HttpMethod.Get by default.

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val url: URLBuilder

URLBuilder to configure the URL for this request.


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var HttpRequestBuilder.expectSuccess: Boolean

Terminate HttpClient.receivePipeline if status code is not successful (>=300).

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var String

Gets the associated URL's host.

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fun HttpRequestBuilder.onDownload(listener: ProgressListener?)

Registers listener to observe download progress.

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fun HttpRequestBuilder.onUpload(listener: ProgressListener?)

Registers listener to observe upload progress.

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fun HttpRequestBuilder.parameter(key: String, value: Any?)

Appends a single URL query parameter of key with a specific value if the value is not null. Can not be used to set form parameters in the body.

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var HttpRequestBuilder.port: Int

Gets the associated URL's port.

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fun HttpRequestBuilder.retry(block: HttpRequestRetry.Configuration.() -> Unit)

Configures the HttpRequestRetry plugin on a per-request level.

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inline fun <T> HttpRequestBuilder.setBody(body: T)
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fun HttpRequestBuilder.takeFrom(request: HttpRequest): HttpRequestBuilder

Mutates this copying all the data from another request using it as base.

fun HttpRequestBuilder.takeFrom(request: HttpRequestData): HttpRequestBuilder
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Adds timeout boundaries to the request. Requires the HttpTimeout plugin to be installed.

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fun HttpRequestBuilder.url(block: URLBuilder.() -> Unit)

Executes a block that configures the URLBuilder associated to this request.

fun HttpRequestBuilder.url(scheme: String? = null, host: String? = null, port: Int? = null, path: String? = null, block: URLBuilder.() -> Unit = {})

Sets the url using the specified scheme, host, port and path. Pass null to keep existing value in the URLBuilder.

fun HttpRequestBuilder.url(urlString: String)
fun HttpRequestBuilder.url(url: Url)
fun HttpRequestBuilder.url(url: URL): URLBuilder