
interface WebSocketSession : CoroutineScope

Represents a web socket session between two peers


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abstract suspend fun flush()

Flush all outstanding messages and suspend until all earlier sent messages will be written. Could be called at any time even after close. May return immediately if the connection is already terminated. However it may also fail with an exception (or cancellation) at any point due to session failure. Please note that flush doesn't guarantee that frames were actually delivered.

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open suspend fun send(frame: Frame)

Enqueue frame, may suspend if outgoing queue is full. May throw an exception if outgoing channel is already closed so it is impossible to transfer any message. Frames that were sent after close frame could be silently ignored. Please note that close frame could be sent automatically in reply to a peer close frame unless it is raw websocket session.

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abstract fun terminate()

Initiate connection termination immediately. Termination may complete asynchronously.


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abstract val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
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abstract val extensions: List<WebSocketExtension<*>>

Negotiated WebSocket extensions.

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abstract val incoming: ReceiveChannel<Frame>

Incoming frames channel

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abstract var masking: Boolean

Enable or disable masking output messages by a random xor mask. Please note that changing this flag on the fly could be applied to the messages already sent (enqueued earlier) as the sending pipeline works asynchronously

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abstract var maxFrameSize: Long

Specifies frame size limit. Connection will be closed if violated

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abstract val outgoing: SendChannel<Frame>

Outgoing frames channel. It could have limited capacity so sending too much frames may lead to suspension at corresponding send invocations. It also may suspend if a peer doesn't read frames for some reason.


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suspend fun WebSocketSession.close(reason: CloseReason = CloseReason(CloseReason.Codes.NORMAL, ""))

Send a close frame with the specified reason. May suspend if outgoing channel is full. The specified reason could be ignored if there was already close frame sent (for example in reply to a peer close frame). It also may do nothing when a session or an outgoing channel is already closed due to any reason.

suspend fun WebSocketSession.close(cause: Throwable?)

Closes with reason depending on cause or normally if cause is null. This is going to be removed. Close with a particular reason or terminate instead.

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suspend fun WebSocketSession.closeExceptionally(cause: Throwable)

Closes session with normal or error close reason, depending on whether cause is cancellation or not.

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fun <T : WebSocketExtension<*>> WebSocketSession.extension(extension: WebSocketExtensionFactory<*, T>): T

Find the extensions using WebSocketExtensionFactory.

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fun <T : WebSocketExtension<*>> WebSocketSession.extensionOrNull(extension: WebSocketExtensionFactory<*, T>): T?

Search the extensions using WebSocketExtensionFactory.

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suspend fun WebSocketSession.send(content: String)

Enqueues a text frame for sending with the specified content.

suspend fun WebSocketSession.send(content: ByteArray)

Enqueues a final binary frame for sending with the specified content.