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class CertificateAndKey(certificateChain: Array<X509Certificate>, key: PrivateKey)

Client certificate chain with private key.

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object CIOCipherSuites

CIO cipher suites collection

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data class CipherSuite(code: Short, name: String, openSSLName: String, exchangeType: SecretExchangeType, jdkCipherName: String, keyStrength: Int, fixedIvLength: Int, ivLength: Int, cipherTagSizeInBytes: Int, macName: String, macStrength: Int, hash: HashAlgorithm, signatureAlgorithm: SignatureAlgorithm, cipherType: CipherType)

Represents a TLS cipher suite

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enum CipherType : Enum<CipherType>

Cipher type.

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class NoPrivateKeyException(alias: String, store: KeyStore) : IllegalStateException, CopyableThrowable<NoPrivateKeyException>

Throws if failed to find PrivateKey for any alias in KeyStore.

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data class OID(identifier: String)
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enum SecretExchangeType : Enum<SecretExchangeType>

TLS secret key exchange type.

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enum ServerKeyExchangeType : Enum<ServerKeyExchangeType>

Server key exchange type with it's code

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enum TLSAlertLevel : Enum<TLSAlertLevel>

TLS alert level

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enum TLSAlertType : Enum<TLSAlertType>

TLS alert types with codes

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expect class TLSConfig
actual class TLSConfig

TLS configuration.

actual class TLSConfig
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expect class TLSConfigBuilder

TLSConfig builder.

actual class TLSConfigBuilder

TLSConfig builder.

actual class TLSConfigBuilder

TLSConfig builder.

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enum TLSHandshakeType : Enum<TLSHandshakeType>

TLS handshake record type

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enum TLSRecordType : Enum<TLSRecordType>

TLS record type with it's numeric code

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enum TLSVersion : Enum<TLSVersion>

TLS version


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fun TLSConfigBuilder.addCertificateChain(chain: Array<X509Certificate>, key: PrivateKey)

Add client certificate chain to use.

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@JvmName(name = "addKeyStoreNullablePassword")
fun TLSConfigBuilder.addKeyStore(store: KeyStore, password: CharArray?, alias: String? = null)

Add client certificates from store by using the certificate with specific alias or all certificates, if alias is null.

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fun keysGenerationAlgorithm(algorithm: String): String
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expect fun TLSConfigBuilder.takeFrom(other: TLSConfigBuilder)

Append config from other builder.

actual fun TLSConfigBuilder.takeFrom(other: TLSConfigBuilder)

Append config from other builder.

actual fun TLSConfigBuilder.takeFrom(other: TLSConfigBuilder)

Append config from other builder.

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suspend fun <ERROR CLASS>.tls(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext): <ERROR CLASS>
suspend fun <ERROR CLASS>.tls(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext): <ERROR CLASS>

Make Socket connection secure with TLS.

suspend fun <ERROR CLASS>.tls(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, config: TLSConfig): <ERROR CLASS>
expect suspend fun <ERROR CLASS>.tls(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, config: TLSConfig): <ERROR CLASS>

Make Socket connection secure with TLS using TLSConfig.

suspend fun <ERROR CLASS>.tls(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, block: TLSConfigBuilder.() -> Unit): <ERROR CLASS>
expect suspend fun <ERROR CLASS>.tls(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, block: TLSConfigBuilder.() -> Unit): <ERROR CLASS>

Make Socket connection secure with TLS configured with block.

suspend fun Socket.tls(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, trustManager: X509TrustManager? = null, randomAlgorithm: String = "NativePRNGNonBlocking", cipherSuites: List<CipherSuite> = CIOCipherSuites.SupportedSuites, serverName: String? = null): Socket

Make Socket connection secure with TLS.