Package io.ktor.server.application
Represents configured and running web application, capable of handling requests. It is also the application coroutine scope that is cancelled immediately at application stop so useful for launching background coroutines.
A single act of communication between a client and server.
Pipeline configuration for executing ApplicationCall instances.
Represents an environment in which Application runs
Represents an environment in which Application runs
Provides events for Application lifecycle.
Defines a Plugin that is installed into Application.
Defines a Plugin that is installed into Application.
The context associated with the call that is currently being processed by server. Every call handler (PluginBuilder.onCall, PluginBuilder.onCallReceive, PluginBuilder.onCallRespond, and so on) of your plugin has a derivative of CallContext as a receiver.
Thrown on an attempt to install the plugin with the same key as for the already installed plugin.
Thrown on an attempt to install the plugin with the same key as for the already installed plugin.
Specifies signature for the event handler.
A hook that can be registered in PluginBuilder.
An exception that is thrown when the current body in the HTTP pipeline is invalid.
Thrown on an attempt to access the plugin that is not yet installed.
A context associated with the call handling by your application. OnCallContext is a receiver for PluginBuilder.onCall handler of your PluginBuilder.
A context associated with the call.receive() action. Allows you to transform the received body. OnCallReceiveContext is a receiver for PluginBuilder.onCallReceive handler of your PluginBuilder.
A context associated with the call.respond() action. Allows you to transform the response body. OnCallRespondContext is a receiver for PluginBuilder.onCallRespond handler of your PluginBuilder.
A utility class to build an ApplicationPlugin instance.
An instance of the plugin installed to your application.
Defines a Plugin that can be installed into Route
Utility class to build a RouteScopedPlugin instance.
Contains type information about the current request or response body when performing a transformation.
Creates an ApplicationPlugin that can be installed into an Application.
Creates a RouteScopedPlugin that can be installed into a io.ktor.server.routing.Route.
Installs a plugin into this pipeline, if it is not yet installed.
Uninstalls all plugins from the pipeline.