
class Configuration : AuthenticationProvider.Configuration

OAuth provider configuration


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fun skipWhen(predicate: (ApplicationCall) -> Boolean)

Adds an authentication filter to the list. For every application call the specified predicate is applied and if it returns true then the authentication provider is skipped (no auth required for this call with this provider).


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lateinit var client: HttpClient

HTTP client instance used by this provider to make HTTP calls to OAuth server

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val name: String?

is the name of the provider, or null for a default provider.

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val pipeline: AuthenticationPipeline

Authentication pipeline for this provider.

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lateinit var providerLookup: ApplicationCall.() -> OAuthServerSettings?

Lookup function to find OAuth server settings for the particular call

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lateinit var urlProvider: ApplicationCall.(OAuthServerSettings) -> String

URL provider that should produce login url for the particular call